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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Whether We Are Up or Down - Come and Meet With Us, O God
Date Posted: March 7, 2022

We come to Psalm 119 verses 25 to 33 and each verse in this section begins with D or Daleth – and happens to deal with Depression - Devotion - Determination - and Dependence. This is an amazing piece of literature.

Verse 25. The experience of the King - laid low - but praying for renewal - realising that The Word of God can bring that renewal - that new life - that uplifting encouragement.

Cleaves = strongly attached to - like a limpet - a mollusk - clinging persistently to the rock - and being overwhelmed by the waves. Sometimes you feel like that - feeling that you will never again rise - that you are GLUED down there forever.

Dust = earth - or earthly things - worldly - unworthy things which hold our attention. Or - it can mean - near to death - feeling like dying because of what is going on around us. This world was getting him down. This was no superficial feeling - this was not something on the surface of his life - this was troubling him deep down inside. Many experience this but never lament over it.

Yes - some days we feel we are soaring high with GOD - that JESUS has never been so close to anyone - and then there come days when GOD seems to be a million miles away. When that happens - know that you are NOT the first person to experience these emotions. That seems to be one of the important lessons which keeps appearing in this Psalm. We are not the first to experience these emotions. David, the king of Israel, knew what it was to fluctuate spiritually - up and down.

Quicken me - give me that life O, GOD. The simplest prayer can bring consolation and comfort. It is good to know what to pray for - this phrase occurs 9 times in this Psalm.

I am aware that I am alive - so give me LIFE. Put life into my affairs - put life into my affections - cure me of spiritual deadness - make me lively in my devotions.

The Word of God removes deadness – but he had to go through this deep valley - he had to experience this low point. There are some things we wish we didn’t have to experience - but to come out of something, we have to go through it!

The cure for our ailments is that LIFE which only GOD can give - which Jesus Christ can pour into us - which the Holy Spirit can impart and plant and place deep within.

Verse 26. Prayer here is almost conversational - I just spoke to YOU O LORD - I told YOU the whole story - I hid nothing from YOU - not that I could anyway. I declared everything - and YOU ANSWERED ME. This is not only an act of faith and dependence - but of holy friendship. GOD was HIS FRIEND as well his LORD. Remembering previous answers encouraged him to come to GOD time and time again.

He tells GOD about his sins - not that GOD doesn’t know - but he uses the opportunity to admit and confess.

Teach me – he writer repeats this request - teach me - feed me - with Your Word - which will help me to see Your ways - and how You want me to live - because I do not want to offend in that way again. He needs this knowledge. He has a desire to obtain it. Such repetition is not frivolous.

Verse 27 – And, let me understand the teaching – natural spiritual blindness can be hard to cure - this theme is repeated - OPEN MY EYES - WHY? Because we need GOD to open them. We are learning here that it is hard to see spiritually - it can be hard for some to understand God’s ways. I will meditate on your wonders - we have to know what GOD has done - what GOD has said - how GOD works - to meditate upon these riches – and true grace wants to communicate. “We have found the Messiah” - John 1verses 41to 45 .

Verse 28 – I am weary - my heart is melting like wax. What was solid was disappearing - evaporating because of the pressures - the guilt - BUT - THERE IS A SOURCE OF STRENGTH – and we come to that source of strength at worship and in prayer. Strengthen me to do my duties - to resist the temptation to give in - and to bear up under the burdens which surround me.

Verse 29. Remove from me the way - and not remove me from the way! Lead me not into temptation - keep me FROM - deceitful ways deceive people. Keep me from lying. David had done a lot of lying - and he was aware of the danger. The law of GOD contains no lie - and does not deceive.

30,31 I have chosen - I have set my heart - I hold fast - these are big decisions which the Psalmist has made. These are issues which he has settled early on in his walk with God – even although he could stumble – the first two lead to the third. There is a garland of perseverance here. We all have to make choices - people who do things for GOD do not accomplish these acts by some careless wish - but by making a deliberate choice.

Verse 32 – I run in the path of Your commands - the commands of GOD are like a path through the woods - he keeps to the path - so avoids bumping into all the trees - and tripping over the pieces of roots sticking out. JESUS give us this light which leads us through our life - the Holy Spirit guides our paths.

He wants to go faster - keen to make more rapid progress - with energy and zeal - with resolute and unflinching obedience – spiritual strength and vigour.

Within God’s limitations, there is perfect freedom. My heart is not free to go anywhere it wants - that can land me in all kinds of troubles - but it is released to keep the pure and holy ways of our Loving God. Free from sin first - then liberty to move in the ways of GOD.

At the beginning of this section, he clings to the dust - melts with heaviness - and cries for freedom from this spiritual prison. What progress is made - from being so down - to running with the releasing freedom of the Spirit of God - because GOD has touched - and met him where he was - and dealt with his heart.

O loving gracious almighty God – Your touch has still its ancient power – the leper – that woman in need – come and touch us where we need to be touched – our need – our weakness. We thank You for every touch we have experienced over the years – as we bow in Praise and Worship – in Jesus Name. Amen.

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at