Daily Devotionals

Devotional: February 15th

"I glory in my infirmities." - 2 Corinthians 12:9.

With gladness and with exultation Paul contemplated the fact that God had made him what he was, a very dependent creature, in himself altogether incomplete, and in unceasing need of the presence and blessing of God.

Imagine a flower able to shine by phosphorescent rays, dim and dying at the best; and saying to the glorious sun in the heavens, "Depart from me, I have no need of thee; trouble not thyself to move through my skies; I am my own sun." What fatuity were this. It is the glory of the flower that it has so magnificent a bridegroom, rising day by day to run his course of love through the skies. Let the flower rejoice and be glad that it has no power of its own over the earth, over the air, over the least of its own internal vessels; and that without the sun it can do nothing. Let it be tenacious unto death of its dependence. And let Paul, enlightened by the Spirit of God, exult in a condition that keeps him in perpetual and heavenly alliance with the King of kings. Let him glory in his poverty that binds him to the treasury of heaven; in his isolation that procures him a legion of angels to camp about him; in his ignorance that demands the teachings of the Omniscient; and in his moral helplessness that requires Christ to abide in his heart by faith


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