He's coming again Tomorrow!
Ask fifty people to finish the statement "Live As If" and you are likely to get fifty different answers. For Christians it will mean something different than for non-Christians. Incorporated into the top graphic are the answers given by friends of mine. It is our desire that your answer will be different each time you visit.
You Are Who?
'Inspiration For You' from Randy Mitchell
From the moment of birth, our lives are a nonstop journey into finding out who, and what we are. To find answers, all you should do is listen to that little voice God has planted inside.
Quickly, answer this question: "I am a _______."
So, what was your response? If I were to guess, I'd say that most rapidly answered this with your professional position: Doctor, Lawyer, Brick Layer, Artist, Housewife, etc. All of these are great things to be, but so often we become something we're not, racing down the tracks of life like an out-of-control locomotive.
Bible and Quote - September 21-25
'Bible verse and quote' from Jan Couns
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. Psalm 2:12b
Whether it be a Noah who is to build a ship on dry land, an Abraham who is to offer up his only son, or a Moses who is to despise the treasures of Egypt, or a Joshua who is to besiege Jericho seven days, using no weapons but the blasts of rams' horns, they all act upon God's command, contrary to the dictates of carnal reason; and the Lord gives them a rich reward as the result of their obedient faith. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834-92, British Reformed Baptist, highly influential amongst Christians of different denominations
Every Knee, Every Tongue
'God's Words For US' from Cecelia Lester
“. . . that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven,
on the earth and under the earth. . . “
Philippians 2:10
“. . . and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.”
Philippians 2:11 (NIV)
“ . . at the name of Jesus. . .”
When God announces His son’s name at the last judgment, I envision a time of people being either terrified or relieved at this time.
“. . .every knee shall bow. . .”.
When a person bows, they show respect to the person
The First No
'Chip Shots from the Ruff of Life' from Tom Kelley
Raising children is an exasperating endeavor to say the least. Regardless of Dr. Benjamin Spock's volumes of work, or that of myriad others, there is truly no definitive work on raising children. That is why a pregnant mother-to-be is referred to as "expecting". Andy Griffith, the comedian, once remarked that the first child lurks, indicating that the baby may be ready to sneak up suddenly and be born or just kind of hang around for awhile.
But when the baby comes is when the real challenge starts. What do you do with this little wrinkled package of flesh and still forming
''Winging It' from Stan Smith
Jude's little epistle urges us to "contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints." (Jude 1:3) (Note that "once for all delivered to the saints" requires that we're not getting new stuff for the faith.) The reason for this urging is that there is a really big problem. "Certain people have crept in unnoticed" among the believers and they "pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ." (Jude 1:4) Almost the entire rest of this little 25-verse epistle is in regards to these false
The Wedding Gift
'The Way' from Kevin Pauley
But then God our Savior showed us his kindness and love. He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit. He generously poured out the Spirit upon us because of what Jesus Christ our Savior did. He declared us not guilty because of his great kindness. And now we know that we will inherit eternal life. – Titus 3:4-7
There once was a rich man who had all the world could offer. But the pride of his life was his son. He arranged a marriage for his son to a beautiful young
Comfort in Penitence IV - Psalm 51 (11-29-10)
'Today's Little Lift' from Jim Bullington
I wish that I could truly say that I perpetually hate sin in every form. However, I would be lying to make such a claim. If stated honestly, I find that the sins that I hate all the time are sins that I have no disposition to commit!
Sins that are a temptation to me are not truly hated all the time; sometimes they seem an attractive shortcut to pleasure and feelings of well being. Among such sins are unwarranted anger, the withholding of good from those that I find unsavory, and frequently knowing what is good and simply refusing to take that path. I find that I can justify these
What To Do When Harassed and Bullied
'Word from Scotland' from Sandy Shaw
What has God to say about bullying and harassment? There is a lot of it around!
John 16 verse 33 – Jesus taught – “I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and at peace. In this godless world you will experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve
Two Weeks from Today
'Voice of Inspiration' from Andy Castro
This article is a repeat article. This tradegy took place on December 14,2012. Let's remember to pray for someone else today. I at times get so caught up in my own issue's and I don't think of others much. Sad but true. Lets change that today. Lets get out of ourselves and remember the victims of Sandy Hook. I gaurantee you they are still dealing with this at some level. The pain of loss elevates during the holidays so let's lift them up in prayer.
Tragedy struck Newtown, Connecticut just two days ago. I'm sure most of you know the story of the 26 people murdered at Sandy Hook
God gave us reason
'Refreshment in Refuge' from Gina Burgess
Paul said, God's objective truth has become subjective truth for all of us, and none of us has excuses to deny His Truth (Romans 1, loose paraphrase).
I see this at work everywhere I look. God has set down the Truth that is solid and indisputable. Because a person believes there is no God does not dispense with God. He remains Truth. Just as no amount of denial can remove gravity from existence, no amount of denial can dispense with God, or the eternal consequences of such denial.
He is the one that made us complex beings in His image. Scientifically, Jesus was. He walked,
Want To But Can't
''Christ in You...'' from Dale Krebbs
If you are not a Christian, perhaps you want to be but can't. You want to repent and believe, and live forever when your life is over, but...somehow you just can't force yourself to repent of you sins and believe the Gospel. I know a person who claims to want to believe the gospel desperately, but just can't believe. There are some in this world who have heard the Gospel ("good news - Grk.") about living forever after they die, but for some reason they say that they want to believe it, but they say also that they just can't believe. They struggle in mental agony, and are
Ever listen to a baby's cry? Over the past few years I have been in the homes of several young couples who have new additions to their families. Someplace along the way that new addition has awakened and seemingly has not been too happy about doing so. The parents take a certain measure of time to try to quiet the little bundle of upset emotions.But is a baby's cry the cry of emotional distress? Consider this. In raising three children
Daily Refractions
Words to Ponder
What kind of freak is man! What a novelty he is, how absurd he is, how chaotic and what a mass of contradictions, and yet what a prodigy! He is judge of all things, yet a feeble worm. He is the repository of truth, and yet sinks into such doubt and error. He is the glory and the scum of the universe. - Blaise Pascal (1623-62)
'Daily Reading Plan'
from StudyLight.org
Bible-in-a-Year NAS
Genesis 32-33; Psalms 25; Luke 19:1-27:
And when he saw them, Jacob said, "This is God's camp." So he named that place Mahanaim. Then Jacob sent messengers ahead of himself to his brother Esau in the land of Seir, the country of Edom. He commanded them, saying, "This is what you shall say to my lord Esau: 'Your servant Jacob says the following: "I have resided with Laban, and stayed until now; and I have oxen, donkeys, flocks, and male and female servants; and I have sent messengers to tell my