…you are the image of your creator!

Ask fifty people to finish the statement "Live As If" and you are likely to get fifty different answers. For Christians it will mean something different than for non-Christians. Incorporated into the top graphic are the answers given by friends of mine. It is our desire that your answer will be different each time you visit.

Daily Articles
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  • See Something of What the Psalmist Saw
         'Word from Scotland' from Sandy Shaw

    Psalm 93 - is quite a short Psalm - but here right at the very beginning is one thing we all need to know - one truth of which we need frequent reminding - "The Lord Reigns" - our God reigns - He is robed in majesty. The picture is quite astounding. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is risen……

  • be still
         'Refreshment in Refuge' from Gina Burgess

    I get to the screaming point. I want to shout out the truth, But to no avail. I work and work at trying to be what God wants me to be And I fail. Help me, Lord. Carry me over the fjord. The chasm is deep and I weep. Dry my tears. Release me from my fears. Carry the truth to those ears that refuse to hear the truth. Put back that hair that I have pulled out. Rub the steel bands that are supposed to be my shoulders for I am done with things as they are, I no longer look back and pout. Whisper my name, cause me to be still. Tomorrow I shall go…

  • Battery Power
         'Voice of Inspiration' from Andy Castro

    There is a flash light craze going on in about every store you walk into. Some are small enough to fit on a key ring and some come with tri-pods. Some take double "A" batteries and some take 6 Volt batteries. Some are in-bedded in hat rims and some come mounted on glasses. It is really kind of phycotic on the focus put into the creating of uses for light. I had to write and give a speech last week and it seemed everything I was preparing was out of this world boring. I had the concept of what I wanted the audience to go home with but didn't have a compelling visual.…

  • Is Christ Living In You?
         ''Christ in You...'' from Dale Krebbs

    For the last eight years "Christ In you..." has been the column title for articles appearing on the Live As If website. While reminiscing those years, I have felt that an explanation of those words, and what it means for Christ to be living in us, is needed. This is of the utmost importance, because if Jesus Christ is not living in us, we are not saved, and we have no hope of eternal life. Please bare with me for a few related scriptures: "May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted…

  • What Will Heaven Do With Steve Jobs?
         'Inspiration For You' from Randy Mitchell

    Our world lost one of the greatest minds of its time this week, Steve Jobs. So I find it only fitting to say a few things about where he's going from here, at least, in my viewpoint. When you think of the truly great inventors, geniuses, and business pioneers of the worlds history very few names stand out. I'm talking about the ones who REALLY changed the way we live our lives (i.e. Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Edison, The Wright Brothers, Einstein, and now Steve Jobs). They literally altered the course of our history and made things that drastically improved our very existence.…

  • Bible and Quote - September 28 - October 2
         'Bible verse and quote' from Jan Couns

    (Pursued by his enemies, David wrote) I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Psalm 3:5 Sometimes God calms the storm, sometimes He calms the sailor. Anon I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people Who have set themselves against me all around. Psalm 3:6 If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery. John Paul Jones, 1747-92, US naval officer Arise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; shatter the teeth of the wicked. Psalm 3:7 Wishful thinking, confident…

  • Goodness and Mercy
         'God's Words For US' from Cecelia Lester

    “Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6 (NIV) David writes words of hope here. After expressing God’s relationship with him (The Lord is my shepherd. . .) and the resultant feeling he has. (. . . I shall not want.) GOODNESS “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy peace . . . goodness . . . Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 When we see someone acting for the betterment of others instead of themselves, we realize they are…

  • Example To Others
         'Chip Shots from the Ruff of Life' from Tom Kelley

    As an Ohio State Buckeyes fan, 2002 was a year for the record book. The Buckeyes rode the strong shoulders of freshman sensation, Maurice Clarett, to a perfect season and the National Championship. Clarett was being mentioned for the Heisman Trophy as the best player in the country after just a couple of games. Funny the difference a year makes. This past season started with a thud. Clarett was ruled ineligible for play due to accepting improper benefits from a family friend and then lying to investigators about it. Ohip State would have to petition the National Collegiate…

  • Dependent
         ''Winging It' from Stan Smith

    There is a large segment of our world, whether Christian or not, that believes the positive-thinking mantra. You know, that "you can do it" attitude intended to get us all through whatever we're going through. We appreciate that "pick yourself up by your bootstraps and accomplish anything" attitude. Even Christians are pretty sure that's what we're supposed to do as Christians. But the "fringe elements" of Christendom, those less immersed in a biblical worldview and more comfortable in the only remaining alternative -- the humanistic worldview -- are…

  • Fighting Like a Girl
         'The Way' from Kevin Pauley

    …Be earnest and disciplined in your prayers…Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all Christians everywhere. 1 Peter 4:7; Ephesians 6:18 Most girls, when they fight, flail away wildly – hair falling in their eyes, eyes closed, they swing with great energy, but with little accomplishment. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some phenomenal female warriors, but most girls fight like – well, girls! We Christians are often guilty…

  • Comfort in Penitence V (12-1-10)
         'Today's Little Lift' from Jim Bullington

    Loneliness bites the soul like frost degrades and scars the flesh. It is insidious in that it usually comes so gradually that it is unnoticed. Without warning, changes in our lives can be so subtle as to be unnoticed for the moment, but literally wreak havoc over the long haul. As a nation, Israel had gradually drifted away from the source of all real comfort, the Lord God Almighty. Like we do as individuals at times, they were suffering from extreme loneliness in a crowded world! Nothing can be worse than acute loneliness; cries that originate in the lonely heart are cries that indelibly…

Daily Devotionals
Holy Week. The week beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter. A time of triumph and victory. A time of reflection and reconsideration. A time of challenge. A time of awe. Eight days which rocked our world as none had ever before or have ever since. Holy Week. A time of shame?Having been in the ministry for some thirty-four plus years now I have marvelled at the human intellect and its disfunctional nature at this time of the year.…
Daily Dose
Daily Toon
Daily Refractions
Daily Wisdom
Proverbs 11:4 - Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death.
Words to Ponder
Saving faith is not only the heart being weaned from every other object of confidence as the ground of my acceptance before God, but it is also the heart being weaned from every other object that competes with Him for my affections. - Arthur Pink (1886-1952)
'Daily Reading Plan' from StudyLight.org
Bible-in-a-Year — NAS
Exodus 3,4; Psalms 41; Hebrews 7:
Then the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not being consumed. So Moses said, "I must turn aside and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burning up!" When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I…
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