Daily Devotionals

Devotional: March 4th

" Except a man be born again, ho cannot see the kingdom of God." - John 3:3.

" Thou hast considered, Nicodemus, that except God were with him, no man could work such miracles as I have wrought. Thou hast considered, also, that one in whom such celestial power resides, must have a great deal of knowledge respecting the heavens, their marvels, their glories, their inhabitants. Thou wouldst fain hear me speak of these things, and have me enchant thy mind with a description of the amazing things that are found in the paradise of God. I am indeed a teacher come from God, nor is there besides me any one who, having dwelt in the heavens, has descended to the earth. But art thou truly in a condition to hear me tell of the characteristics of heaven? While I speak to thee of the purity of the angels wilt thou not be longing to hear of their stature? When I tell thee of their love, wilt thou not desire to hear of their ivory palaces? When I speak of the songs of the redeemed, will not thy thoughts be of golden rivers and gem-laden trees? When I tell thee of the absence of sin and of temptation, wilt thou not prefer to have the strain relieved by the description of a heavenly banquet? There is reason to believe that a description of the kingdom of God, or, if such be in thy thought, a description of the Messiah’s kingdom, would convey no definite ideas to thy mind, and greatly fail to interest thee. Except a man he born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. He cannot appreciate the nature of it, or be wrought upon by the descriptions of it. Before the eyes of the blind, the picture were in vain held up. Believe the earthly things I tell you; the things already revealed; the things which relate to your present duty; and then you will be enabled to see in their true glory and beauty, the heavenly things. You must be born again; get a new mind, new views, new affections, new tastes, new perceptions; and then you will speedily discover the kingdom of heaven. This kingdom can not be seen from without. Men might lie all day beneath its crystal walls and pearly gates, without the slightest conception that there was anything near them of an extraordinary character."


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