Daily Devotionals

Devotional: April 21st

" Let not your heart be troubled." John 14:1.

If these words were appropriate at the time when they were spoken, then can we hardly conceive of a situation in which the people of God may be placed, in which these words would be inappropriate. If at that time the disciples were not to be troubled, then tell me, pray, what is the hour, what the emergency, when it is fitting that their hearts should be troubled?

Says one, " My child is dead; my beloved one. For years my predominant solicitude had been to make all things work together for the beautifying of her life. All my plans, my labors, my hopes, my prayers even, have had largely a reference to her happiness. My present joys were in some degree constituted by the thought of what she would be in days to come. And now she is suddenly gone ― in a whirlwind of suffering ― under circumstances the most heart-rending. The world is for me emptied, in a single hour.’’

But one of those who sat at table with Jesus might thus reply: " We were with the Messiah for whom we had left father and mother, wife and children. We had staked all our hopes upon him. By following him we had brought upon us the enmity of mankind; and by his departure we were to be exposed to the full blast of that enmity. We had made up our -minds that he was the Lord of Life, and that all dignities of heaven or earth were in his gift, and that of the increase of his dominion there should be no end, and that he would presently prepare for us twelve thrones corresponding to the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. And now we were told, and that by himself, that he was to be taken away; taken violently away by the hands of sinners; subjected to all manner of outrages; be, as it were, denounced from heaven, God not interposing for his deliverance; and to die a most ignominious and barbarous death. And yet we were bidden not to let our hearts be troubled. The sun was to be as sackcloth, and the moon as blood; all the powers of heaven were to be shaken; yet we were to remain peaceful and serene."

One may say, " I could have met with equanimity all the common woes of life; but my good name, which has never been reproached, is now covered with opprobrium." The apostles may answer: " This was what was about to happen to us. We were to be universally regarded as the followers of a manifest impostor, preachers of blasphemy, enemies of all righteousness; yet we were told not to let our hearts be troubled."

Another speaks, and says: ’’ These things may be endured by the grace of God. But where there is no manifestation of God to the soul, when spiritual darkness has set in upon us, can we be otherwise than troubled?" The apostles answer: "What darkness was comparable to ours? When Christ was crucified, it seemed that God was saying from heaven unto us, ’ I know you not.’ Depart from me, ye cursed, was what his providence appeared to say, in a language that all could understand. Yet the Lord Jesus, knowing all things that should happen, said unto us, let not your hearts, he troubled."


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