Daily Devotionals

Devotional: August 30th

" Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me." - Psalms 138:7.

Some obtain their experience early, others later, but it seems that all who live long in this world must learn by experience the bitter truth that the elements of trouble are very numerous in this stage of man’s existence. The youthful heart, taught of God to desire happiness, takes counsel of its imagination how to seek it, and delights itself with dreams of earthly bliss which must soon be dispelled. Very often it gets angry with God for not equaling the creations of its own imagination, for allowing his divine power to be surpassed by the poor conception of a mortal; not considering that this is a world of trouble, because it is a world of sin. These disappointments in too many cases deaden the heart; destroy its poetry, its enthusiasm, its sensibility. But they that go with all their hopes and aspirations to God, and seek in him what the world cannot give, their hearts shall live. Wonderful it is to see in the Christian of three-score years, all the sensibility and enthusiasm, the freshness, and glow of youth. And yet it is no wonder, for the paradise he looks at, is in the skies, and is every day drawing nearer and becoming more glorious to the sight. His feelings partake of the nature of the immortal realms which he contemplates and seeks.


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