Daily Devotionals

Devotional: October 28th

" I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart." - Psalms 119:32.

God enlarges our heart by taking away from it the idea of our own righteousness and of our own strength; by taking away from us hardness of heart and insensibility; by delivering us from the oppressive fear of an offended God; by casting out a great deal of selfishness; by breathing into us the new life of faith in Christ, and making us buoyant with the delightful assurance of God’s undeclining favor; by the love of God shed abroad in our hearts.

Then no wonder that we run the way of his commandments. These are no longer grievous, for they are paired with promises; and with every indication of duty there is an indication of help. We run; we have not now to be dragged. It is no longer the place of task; it is the place of pleasant communion and co-operation with him who has said, " Without me ye can do nothing." The way of his commandments, is simply a way where love finds beautiful opportunities of expressing itself.

But alas! are there not many among us that need greatly to have their hearts enlarged? Their pace in the divine course is not even a fast walk. What is it that chokes their hearts? Here is a brother, whose heart is choked, we have too much reason to fear, by an all-absorbing and exclusive attachment to " The Church;" and who is not aware how unkind a part he is acting toward that very branch of Christ’s Church which he thus ignorantly and injuriously idolizes. Here is a brother whose heart is choked by a false charity which inclines him to regard all men as pretty nearly safe, and not in need of his self-denying efforts. How many have their hearts so occupied by mercantile matters or political questions, that it is impossible for them to make haste in the doing of Christ’s commandments.


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