Daily Devotionals

Devotional: July 27th

Who shall set scourges over my thoughts and the discipline of wisdom over mine heart? that they spare me not for mine ignorance, and it pass not by my sins, Sirach 23:2.

Thoughts are by no means toll-free in the sight of God, and evil thoughts do not always proceed even in the hearts of believers from injection of Satan, but also very often from their own natural corruption, which ought to humble them the more. Mark 7:21-23. Being therefore always in danger from the darkness and wickedness of my heart, I have always need to be employed in the word and in prayer.

Assist my weakness, O Lord, that by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, I may always think right, and put in mind every thing in its due season.

Sin, like a venomous disease,
Infects our vital blood:
The only balm is sovereign grace,
And the physician God.

Madness by nature reigns within,
The passions burn and rage,
Till God’s own Son with skill divine
The inward fire assuage.

We lick the dust, we grasp the wind
And solid good despise:
Such is the folly of the mind,
Till Jesus makes us wise.

We give our souls the wounds they feel,
We drink the poisonous gall;
And rush with fury down to hell,
But heaven prevents the fall.

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