Daily Devotionals

Devotional: July 27th

2 Kings 14:1-16

Amaziah, the son of Joash, comes to the throne of Judah at the same time as Jehoash occupies the throne of Israel. We notice once again the good influence of a mother who belongs to the people of God (v. 2).

Good things are said about the new king, in particular his concern to obey God’s Word (v. 6; see Deuteronomy 24:16). "Yet not like David his father", it is said (v. 3), remembering the example of the well-beloved king.

The point of comparison is as always Jesus, the perfect example. As we are exhorted in the first epistle of John, we must return to "that which was from the beginning". Such are the first words of this epistle! But what are the last words? "Little children, keep yourselves from idols". 2 Chronicles 25:14 tells us this: Amaziah after the beginning of his reign, sets up the idols of the Edomites as gods. What ingratitude towards the LORD who had given him victory over this people! A bitter defeat before Jehoash, king of Israel, is the consequence of this idolatry, and of the pride of Amaziah, which Jehoash himself detects (v. 10). If we attribute to ourselves the merit of being victorious, God will allow us to lose the next battle, in order to teach us not to count on anyone but Himself.

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