Daily Devotionals

Devotional: October 22nd

Romans 3:1-18

Who is right? God who condemns? or the accused who is on the defence? "Let God be true, but every man a liar" says the apostle (v. 4). The Word of God is not made ineffective because it has not been believed by the Jews, to whom it was entrusted (v. 3; Hebrews 4:2). Quite illogically these people prided themselves in possessing the law (Romans 2:17), when that very law testified against them. It is as if a convict, while loudly protesting his innocence, should himself hand over to the police the charge sheet establishing his guilt. Moreover the Spirit of God, like the prosecutor in a court, causes to be read out before this Jew in the dock a whole series of irrefutable verses drawn from his own Scriptures (vv. 10-18).

But another argument might be advanced by the accused: I do not deny my unrighteousness, but after all, it serves a useful purpose in emphasising the righteousness of God. What a terrible attitude! If this were the case, God would have to give up any thought of judging the world (v. 6) and on the contrary be grateful for its wickedness as emphasising His own holiness. But He would then cease to be just and would be denying Himself (2 Timothy 2:13). Before the final verdict, God disposes of the last arguments behind which His creature always tries to shield himself.

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