Daily Devotionals

Devotional: July 27th

John 10:7-21

There are no parables to be found in this gospel. The One who is "the Word" speaks to men in plain language here. On the other hand, the Lord uses many precious pictures and comparisons to make Himself known to us. Notice the passages in which He declares "I am" (John 6:35; John 6:48; John 6:51; John 8:12; John 10:7; John 10:9; John 10:11; John 10:14; John 11:25; John 14:6; John 15:1; John 15:5). "I am the door of the sheep", He says in vv. 7, 9. In order to be saved, we must enter in by Him (cf. Ephesians 2:18). But we also need to be led. If we are left to ourselves, we are like the sheep, an animal without intelligence which goes astray if it does not have a leader (read Isaiah 53:6). In contrast with the hireling, with thieves and with robbers, who are clever at stealing souls, the Lord Jesus presents Himself as the Good Shepherd (vv. 11, 14). And He gives us two evidences of it: the first is the voluntary gift of His life to acquire the sheep – supreme proof of His love for them and at the same time, let us not forget, the sovereign motive for the Father’s love (v. 17).

The second is that He knows His sheep and on the other hand, they know their Shepherd (v. 14). Such a strong bond confirms His rights over His flock and over each of our hearts.

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