Daily Devotionals

Devotional: October 22nd

Hebrews 11:17-31

The offering up of Isaac proved that Abraham believed in the resurrection (cf. Romans 4:17) and that he loved God more than his only son. The long history of Jacob is told by his staff; it was in turn the implement of the shepherd, the support of the pilgrim and the lame man, and finally of the worshipper (v. 21). Of Isaac it might be thought that his discernment was rather slow and of Joseph that there might have been something more memorable to recall than this simple command concerning his bones. Yet each of these patriarchs proclaims in his own way his certain hope of things to come. Moses refused . . . chose . . . esteemed . . . for his eye was fixed on the reward (see Hebrews 10:35). He forsook . . . did not fear . . . endured . . . because he saw Him who is invisible.

Faith is the only touchstone which enables us to appreciate the true value and relative duration of everything. At the same time faith is the inner vitality which gives us the ability to triumph both over obstacles: Pharaoh’s anger, the Red Sea, Jericho — and over selfish desires: the pleasures of sin or the riches of Egypt. Yes, faith is energetic and durable. And if the example of Moses seems too high for us, let us be encouraged by that of Rahab. Whatever our circumstances, God looks for the visible fruit of our faith.

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