Daily Devotionals

Devotional: May 30th

“All my springs are in Thee.” Psalms 87:7

JESUS is the fountain of living water; the wells of salvation are found in His person, work and word; He says, “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink.” The springs of comfort, peace, and salvation are all in Him; and in Him for us; therefore called our springs. These waters cleanse from all defilement; refresh the faint and weary; and satisfy the longing soul. The springs bespeak plentitude, whosoever will may come and take; for they are never dry. We are absolutely dependant on Jesus, this is our mercy; we are not absolutely dependant on any besides, this is our happiness. Our desires should concentrate in Him; our affections should be fixed upon Him; and our expectations should be only from Him. In Jesus is all possible variety: He can do, and bestow, all we can possibly want; for “it hath pleased the Father that in Him should ALL fulness dwell.” If all our springs are in Jesus, let us not then look to any other; but let us with joy draw water out of the fountains of the Saviour. Let us ask, and He will give us LIVING WATER; that we may thirst no more. Only what comes from Jesus can satisfy the soul.

To whom, dear Jesus, oh, to whom

Shall needy sinners flee,

But to Thyself, who bid’st us come?

Our springs are all in Thee:

Now fill my soul with Thy pure love,

And raise my thoughts and hopes above.

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