Daily Devotionals

Devotional: 10th of Cheshvan

Since the first day that you determined to understand ...your words have been heard (Daniel 10:12).

Daniel is a good example of someone with a positive attitude. He lived in Babylon during the exile. He was taken from his home in Eretz Yisra'el (the Land of Israel) to be a servant in the court of a pagan Babylonian king. But Daniel never forgot his origin or identity as a Jew. He did not bow down to the idols of Babylon, even at the penalty of death. And Daniel never lost his positive attitude, which rested on his hope and faith in God.

How many of us could keep a positive attitude if we were cast into a lion's den? Keeping a positive attitude in times of trouble is a tremendous statement of one's relationship with God. In fact, such a positive attitude can only come from a very intimate knowledge of the Almighty himself. Similarly, if I knew my boss personally, there would be a trust between us because of our intimate communication. Maintaining intimate communication with God was Daniel's secret weapon against the power of the Babylonian king and against a negative attitude.

Today's Scripture passage tells us that in the midst of Daniel's trials, he became determined to understand and to humble himself before God. What an example of a positive attitude! And because of his faith and hope in God, the Lord heard Daniel's prayers.

...approach every situation, no matter how difficult, with a hope and faith in God.


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