Daily Devotionals

Devotional: 19th of Kislev

Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14 NKJV).

Yeder nar iz klug far zich is Yiddish for "Every fool thinks he is wise." In the above Scripture, we are told that a wise person will seek tachbulah (wise counsel giving good direction). The latter part of the Scripture should actually read "but in the multitude of counselors there is teshua (salvation or deliverance). Teshua comes from the same root as the name "Yeshua."

If we think that we can succeed in the ways of God without the help of others, we are like the nar (fool). A truly wise person will understand that good counsel is necessary for success.

The sages tell the story (Sanhedrin 91a) of a king who had an orchard. It was beautiful and full of fruit. The king, however, unwisely put a lame man and a blind man in charge of it. As a result, his orchard did not produce all that he expected from it. If the king had appointed wise overseers, what would the state of the orchard have been? We too need good counsel to be successful.

...think about those whom the Lord has placed in my life to be wise counselors for me.


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