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Bible verse and quote
by Jan Couns
Do not lift up your horn on high.. Psalm 75:5a The humble man realizes that beauty, strength, rank, success, power and wealth are gifts of God. He is their author. His mercy, not our wisdom, secured them to us. Yet how many are swollen with pride by the possession of even one of these things! William S. Plumer, 1802-80, pastor, professor, author
Do not speak with insolent pride. Psalm 75:5b Ridicule, with malice in it, will often wound, and little do we know how many may have gone with broken hearts all their days through unkind words that have been spoken. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834-92, British Reformed Baptist
Not from the east, nor from the west, Nor from the desert comes exaltation; But God is the Judge; He puts down one and exalts another. Psalm 75:6-7 This situation is easier for me because I know God is in control and this is what he wants. Whether I'm the first, second or third quarterback, I have to do the best I can with that role. Jon Kitna, b1972, former reformed Christian NFL player
I will meditate on all Your work And muse on Your deeds. You are the God who works wonders. Psalm 77:12,14a We look for visions from heaven and for earth-shaking events to see God’s power. Yet we never realize that all the time God is at work in our everyday events and in the people around us. Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917, Scottish Preacher, Author
Your way was in the sea And Your paths in the mighty waters, And Your footprints may not be known. Psalm 77:19 Frequently the pillar of divine providence is dark throughout so that His own people understand not the riddles, till He is His own interpreter and leads them into His secrets. Samuel Slater, 1629-1704, English Puritan clergyman vicar
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Live: Knoxville, Tennessee
Hobbies: gardening, Bible study
Married, two daughters, two son-in-laws, 1 granddaughter, 3 grandsons, 1 mother, 1 dog
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