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Bible verse and quote
by Jan Couns
By awesome deeds You answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation.. Psalm 65:5a The Lord considers my case, judges when, and how, and after what sort, it will be most fitting to grant me relief. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834-92
Come and see the works of God, Who is awesome in His deeds toward the sons of men. Psalm 66:5 You have to look beyond the obvious to see the wind driving the wave. Beth Moore, b.1957, Christian author and teacher
Bless our God, O peoples, And sound His praise abroad, Who keeps us in life And does not allow our feet to slip. Psalm 66:8-9 Then let us make our boast Of His redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more. Charles Wesley, 1707-88, Methodist, wrote over 6,000 hymns
For You have tried us, O God; You have refined us as silver is refined. Psalm 66:10 God hast not fired us like hay, but like silver; He hast not turned us into ashes, but hast washed off uncleanness. Saint Augustine of Hippo 354-430
You brought us into the net and laid oppressive burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance. Psalm 66:11-12 God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty. Peter Marshall, 1902-49, Am. Presbyterian Clergyman
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Live: Knoxville, Tennessee
Hobbies: gardening, Bible study
Married, two daughters, two son-in-laws, 1 granddaughter, 3 grandsons, 1 mother, 1 dog
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