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Bible verse and quote

    by Jan Couns

Bible and Quote - September 7-11
Date Posted: September 27, 2024

The ungodly . are like the chaff which the wind drives away. Psalm 1:4

The essence of folly is turning from God as the trustworthy touchstone of all reality and instead making (natural) preferences the measure of what is real. John Piper, The Pleasures of God

.the ungodly shall not stand . in the congregation of the righteous. Psalm 1:5

Heaven is a place where . the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. Charles H. Spurgeon, 1834-92, English preacher Baptist

For the Lord knows (perceives and interacts with) the way of the righteous, But the way of the ungodly shall perish. Psalm 1:6
(the ungodly) ploughs the sea, and though there may seem to be a shining trail behind his keel, yet the waves shall pass over it. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834-92, British Reformed Baptist, highly influential amongst Christians of different denominations

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? Psalm 2:1
Man is made in the image of God, and if he fights against God, he fights against himself. Warren Wiersbe, 1929-, American pastor, Bible teacher, conference speaker and a prolific writer of Christian literature and theological works

The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed. Psalm 2:2
Governments are naturally predisposed to reject the challenges of Christianity.
(Example) The law of selection justifies this incessant struggle, by allowing the survival of the fittest. Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure. Adolf Hitler, 1889-1945

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Biography Information:
Birth: 1948, Biloxi, Mississippi

Live: Knoxville, Tennessee

Hobbies: gardening, Bible study

Married, two daughters, two son-in-laws, 1 granddaughter, 3 grandsons, 1 mother, 1 dog
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