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Can God Get Glory from My Life?
by Dominique Henderson
This is a weird topic for me because I do not claim to love perfectly. I am as flawed as the next man but reading Song of Solomon recently I was reminded of couple things. The first is that love is a powerful thing. This is an emotion that crosses boundaries that seem impossible to be crossed. It becomes even more powerful when enacted. It becomes worth dying for in some cases. This book of the Bible tells of the expression of love between to individuals. There is an extremely strong bond expressed in the story even if it only lasts eight chapters. The power of the bond is what is remarkable. These two human beings are willing to go to great lengths to express their love for one another. The next thing I am reminded of is God’s love for mankind. God’s love for us is so indescribable, however here is my attempt. I will start with a scripture:
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
You see unlike the two lovers in Song of Solomon who shared a mutual love which made their love bond all the stronger, God loved us when we did not love him. He gave us the most precious love gift of all—His son. This demonstration has been unmatched throughout time. It makes love stories of our modern culture pale in comparison. His love was and is truly a selfless expression. He gave up what mattered to him most to express his love for mankind. As a parent, I could not imagine having to make a choice to give up one of my children to save someone. As I think about it, I do not even think I could do it for another family member, let alone some stranger that does not know me or even appreciate the sacrifice I am making. This is why what God did is on another level. It is a love so pure and unconditional, it is a wonder that anyone can ever turn it down. It is the perfect model for us to follow. We can love one another as we were loved—without reservation as to past wrongs and injustices. God provides the Holy Spirit to supernaturally supply us with the ability to love those that seem unlovable to us for whatever reason. And when you began to think of why you cannot love them, just think about how you were loved once and are still loved by God.
Dear God I am truly grateful that you have expressed a tangible love for me my sending your son to die for me. Help me use the power that this act brings to show that same love to the seemingly unlovable individuals in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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