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Can God Get Glory from My Life?
by Dominique Henderson
But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith-- that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:7-11
For nearly two weeks, I’ve sought the opportunity to sit down and write this. This subject has been one that I have struggled with and almost missed in the past. Did you know you could be on the verge of breakthrough, but also so frustrated with the current circumstance that you think to give up? I hope that whatever I can pass on today will be crucial to anyone dealing with similar issues. Almost three weeks ago I listened to a message by Lance Wallnau that brought major perspective in my life (Please Google him when you have a chance). He revealed that many Christians miss out on what God has really called them to do for the kingdom because they essentially run away from the mission because of difficulty. Why? Because they mistake the controversy that comes with being in God’s will as a cue to throw in the towel. They should instead treat it as part of the process of completing the mission. When it is time to be supernaturally equipped for the kingdom assignment you are to carry out, most Christians feel the pressure and run away instead of pressing through. Whereas, God tries to nurture the gifts and competencies within you through a process so that you become fully competent and confident in the thing or things he has called you to do. Let’s look at a couple of biblical characters to understand this.
Jonah—The Runner
Jonah is commissioned by God to call the city of Nineveh to repentance. His mission is difficult and undesirable. It was like he said if I was called by God to do something it will be something I feel like and want to do—no way. Instead, he was called to preach to a people that he despised. And at the point of receipt of those instructions he ran from God’s calling and thus rebelled against the process. As I stated before, the process is a tool often used by God to refine us into the demon-slaying machines we need to be. He takes gifts and competencies that we otherwise would not know how to cultivate and puts them to the test. This is turn allows us to come out reflecting his glory and draws men unto him.
Jacob—The Wrestler
Jacob is a good contrast because he begins his life as a runner, but later is called Israel “one that contends with man and God”. Jacob, after living his life as a deceiver and con-man, is found running from the destiny God intended for him. His life is threatened by his brother Esau so he escapes to his uncle’s house. There he finds the love of his life but is in turn tricked into marrying her older sister. Out of that relationship are born children to him. Notice that in this season of his life, God births to him sons from a place of pain and disappointment. This is his process. As he continues through it instead of running from it he learns more of God. Finally, he is called back to his inheritance where he sends his family ahead and spends time alone with God. As he is wrestling he is touched by God and blessed with a new name that signifies his struggle. He is forever changed though the process.
Final Thoughts
How else would we know that we can be used as a voice crying, “repent, repent” and be heard unless we are challenged like Jonah? How else would Peter know that he could be used to preach redemption (see Acts 2:14-40) unless he first denied Christ and been forgiven (See John 21:15-19)? It is unmistakable that God uses our difficulties in life-the process--to shape us into vessels of use by him. However, it is our duty to submit our lives to what he is doing. If we submit and humble ourselves, we will come out on the other side better for it (see Romans 8:28-29). Are you ready for your process? Are you ready to stick it out when it seems all hell is breaking lose in your life? Let’s follow up next time with some ways you can know that you’re in the process and not in sin when life is collapsing around you.
God Bless until then.
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