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Family Blueprint

    by Julianne Bell

Blueprint #37: Joshua and Rahab
Date Posted: June 13, 2006

(Red and black yarn along with piñatas and goodies teach us about the scarlet thread of redemption along with Joshua and Rahab.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:
Joshua 1 & 2

"Joshua and Rahab"

Following the Scarlet Thread of Redemption will lead us down a narrow path.

After the death of Moses, Joshua took over as leader of Israel. God told Joshua to cross the Jordan with Israel and capture Jericho. Joshua sent two spied ahead to Jericho. When the spies approached Rahab’s home, Rahab hid them in the flax on her roof from the king’s men, for she knew they worshipped the true God, and God alone could save her family from the wrath to come. Rahab requested the spies spare the life of her family and her for her kindness shown to them. Rahab let the spies down by a scarlet cord in her window and they told her to put the cord in her window and if she did, the lives of her family and her would be spared.

To teach our children that their loyalty to God will take them down a different path than most of the people they meet.

Finding Christ:
Rahab was of the most despised that lived. She was a gentile and she was a woman to make matters worse. To top it off she was a harlot. The token of her deliverance is a scarlet thread, which is symbolic of the blood of Christ. She was taken from the being a despised sinner to being lifted to the lineage of Christ because of her faith.

Live the Lesson:
Take one strand of red yarn and run it from the door to some object in your home, such as a kitchen chair. Then do the same with black strands of yarn for however many children will be participating besides the one using the red strand. Take and place small gifts with candy or other small goodies inside them along the black strands. Take and place small gifts with a couple of goodies, but mostly "burdens" or stones in them and place these along the red strand path. At the end of all paths have a piñata or gift bag waiting. The piñatas or gift bags at the end of the black strands should be empty, but the one at the end of the red path should be full of goodies.

At family time choose one child to follow the way of the scarlet thread of redemption (the red yarn) and the rest to take the way of the world (the black yarn). At each gift all the children must sit down and open their gifts. Allow the black strands to go first and then the red strand. Do this each time. At the end make them sit down before getting to their piñatas or gift bags. This time permit the scarlet thread child to go first and say "Enter into the joy of the Lord!" Take their burdens from them and the point out that what little gifts! Then explain they will be given more gifts for their faithfulness to remain on the scarlet path and being a wise steward of gifts given and hand them the piñata or gift bag full of goodies!

Now take each child that went on the black paths and ask them to present their burdens to you first, which they have none. Then ask them to show you their gifts. Show them the empty piñatas or bags and ask them to place those gifts in the empty piñatas or bags. Then take the piñatas or gift bags over to the end of the scarlet thread with the other piñata or gift bag full of goodies. Tell them that when they choose their own path that even what they have will be taken away and given to those who are faithful and they end up with no joy!

Now the house will be full of "That’s not fair!" So it is a good time to explain to them in the end this is how it truly will be no matter who thinks it is not fair. Now is the time to choose to follow Christ and the narrow path. However, because this was just a lesson…you will all share the goodies!

Want to learn how to make a simple piñata?

Memory Verse:
"No one can serve two masters." Matthew 6:24

Dear Lord, please help us to choose the scarlet thread of redemption. Thank you for your provision and please help us to persevere on the narrow path.

Living the Life:
This week discuss with your children how much fun the wide path of destruction often seems, but in the end, which is eternal…the narrow path is the only one that offers the joy of the Lord.

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Origin Of Nations

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Biography Information:
Julianne Bell is blessed with a husband who challenges her to fulfill her calling. Their quiver is overflowing with children ages 3-young adult, one of which has autism.

Family Blueprint has come to fruition as a complimentary service for those seeking creative ways to 'teach them (the words of the Lord) diligently to your children...' Deuteronomy 6:7

Julianne Bell is also a consultant for Once Upon A Family at This allows her to work from home while homeschooling her children and keeping her ministry website resources free.