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Heart to Heart

    by Pat Chwialkowski

I Still Do
Date Posted: July 2, 2008

In 1977, Jimmy Carter became our 39th president, the first Rocky movie was made, disco was the dance craze, Elvis Presley died, and my husband and I got married. What a year that was!

Just recently Kirk asked me if I knew everything that I know now, would I still have married him. Without hesitation, I told him, “Of course you silly goose…who else would have wanted me?” Whether that is the case or not, I will never know. But what I do know is on October 29th, 1977 two lives meshed into one, and two hearts were joined as one. Over the past 30 years we have lived together, loved together, laughed together, and cried together. I could not imagine doing this with any other man on planet earth. What God has joined together, let no man take apart (Mark 10:9)

When we look back over the horizons of our life, there are two years that definitely stand out from the rest. The one year being 1985, when our daughter was born. We began learning then, all about loving, protecting, and nurturing another human being who was totally dependant on you. I remember being so scared when this little child came into our lives. But God gave us the wisdom and the discernment we needed as we trained our daughter to the best that we knew how, so that one day she could fly on her own. She is flying now and doing quite well at it, even though the nest she left behind misses her tremendously.

The second year that forever changed the landscape of our lives is 1982. In fact, a line was drawn in the sand that year dividing our two distinct lives, which we refer to as “before Christ” years, and “after Christ” years. This is when we discovered about relationship over religion, and freedom over bondage, and a bunch of other neat blessings that come along when a person embraces Jesus as their Lord and Savior. What was so awesome about our experience is that our awakening happened at the same time. My husband and I are so grateful that God allowed us to find Him and grow in Him together, making the journey so much easier. That is when God took our ordinary marriage and made it extra-ordinary. We were now building our lives and marriage on a strong foundation and not on sinking sand. (Matthew 7:24-27)

Those exceptional years brought radical changes in our lives making us very different people. But every year has added its own dynamic of lessons learned, joys to experience, and challenges to accept. The combined years has made for a very fun ride that I hope continues for many more years to come.

We were recently asked by someone that we had just met, what we thought was the one thing that contributed to our solid marriage. Since we had just met this person, she had no idea that she was asking this question to a passionate sold-out couple for Christ. But before the night ended I think she got the idea. Do we apologize for being radical in our convictions? No. I apologize for the years that I should have been more zealous about my faith. The Bible message is not a mediocre message, so how can one be apathetic in living it out and sharing it with others? The older Kirk and I get, the more amazed we are, that we have been chosen by God to be ambassadors for Him and to share with others that they too can take part in this extraordinary gift. Our goal is to take as many people to heaven as we possibly can.

Yes, we have had an exciting 30 years traveling this planet together. Then to think, on top of this life we get eternal life in heaven, totally takes my breath away. But I have to admit, there is one thing that I don't quite understand about heaven. Jesus says in Matthew 22:30, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven”. When Jesus taught this to the crowds, they were astonished. (Matthew 22:33) I understand the people’s reaction, for me too, being on this side of Glory cannot comprehend such a life. I cannot imagine being perfectly happy without Kirk as my husband. For the past three decades I have grown to such accustom to Kirk and Pat, that I can’t imagine a Pat without Kirk, or a Kirk without Pat. We are like peanut butter and jelly. You can’t have one without the other. Although, as we reflect back over the years we can say with true honesty, it has not been all smooth sailing. It definitely has been, for better and for worse, in richer and in poorer, in health and in sickness. But nonetheless, we will continue to love and to cherish each other from this day forward until death do us part. And in answering my husband’s question... if I would do it all over again...I DO!

A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Note to the reader: First, if by chance you are single and wishing you were married, may I encourage you to stay faithful to God's Word, and He in return will remain faithful to His promises. You will never get back these days, so I pray you can find the blessing in the journey. Second, if you are living a life similiar to mine, I trust that you can join me in praising God for the blessing of having a Christian does not get much better then this. Lastly, if you are my dear brother or sister in the Lord, and you are currently married but remain spiritually single, please know my heart aches for you. Please read the article that I wrote last year titled: "Whatever it Takes"...and keep looking up. God has great plans for you. I do believe it:-) Thanks for reading. - Pat

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Founder and Director of Key Ministries located in Lexington South Carolina.  You can reach us at  .

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