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    by Fred Price

Does the Bible really say homosexuals won't go to heaven?
Date Posted: September 13, 2019

Only in part, the scripture referenced here fully rendered asking, “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?” It continues by cautioning against self-deception – ‘God made me this way’ – ‘A loving God wants us all to be happy’ etc. – in whatever circumstance we place ourselves, and defines what God deems wicked; sexual immorality of the heterosexual and homosexual variety, thieves, the greedy, drunks, slanderers and swindlers. (1 Corinthians 6:9,10) Romans 1:29 expanding this definition to include envy, murder, strife, deceit, the disobedient, faithlessness, ruthlessness and gossips.

I hesitate to comment on this issue because so many others already have, but as it continues to be such a “hot-button” issue socially, politically and religiously, I feel compelled to do so. Some cite the stabilizing effect the “traditional” family exercises within society, others note the obvious physical complimentary aspects one gender has for the other and the natural affinity most people have for the opposite sex in arguing against homosexual relationships. While public opinion polls, even those conducted by liberal newspapers like “The Boston Globe” indicate many communities still stand opposed to gay marriage by a 2-1 margin, although those numbers now appear to be shifting. Still homosexual activists ask: ‘How am I hurting you? If I truly love my significant other, what right does anyone have to interfere?’ The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts and the California legislature being the first to order an end to all “discrimination” against homosexuals seeking to marry in reply.

The problem is that with the right cast of characters and proper background music, we can make anything appear legitimate, creating sympathy for a variety of questionable causes; confusing issues and tiring people of the debate. And while I believe the aforementioned reasons opposing homosexual relationships are valid in any discussion of this subject, I also agree with Joel Belz’s assessment of them. He writes, “…most Americans who want to restrict marriage to heterosexual couples do so for the wrong reasons.” They need not be discounted, “…but when you leave God’s design out of the argument, there’s really no overwhelming reason any longer to limit marriage to a man and a woman.” Within the rights-conscious culture we live in today, who’s to say what anyone can or can’t do? And who can definitively describe what a “traditional” family looks like anymore in a society so quick to divorce and move on? “Apart from His sovereign word, experimentation, reconfiguration, and realignment of virtually every kind are in order.”1 Which applies as well to the recent issues of establishing safe houses, staffed by nurses no less, for drug addicts – not to help them refrain from their “bad habit” but to ensure they engage in it safely; and the school districts that have proposed handing out birth control pills to their female students, some as young as 11; again, facilitating the act instead of attempting to stop it.

I further believe an effective Christian is one who knows the facts of what he is debating; knowledge of your opponents stand on an issue helping you respond to their objections. But there are times when people refuse to listen to logic, history, tradition and polls. At that point we must utilize what should always be our first and last line of defense, God’s word and will; which they are still free to accept or reject. But what does God say?

In the beginning, God made man in His image as male and female components of a whole; blessing them with compatibility and “fruitfulness.” Genesis 1:26-28 Not yet perfect, they were none-the-less instructed in holiness; unable to achieve sinlessness, they foreshadowed what was to come as, “We all stumble in many ways.” James 3:2 (The telling difference lies between those who fail in the attempt and those who actively rebel or make no attempt at all.) Compounding the problem is the fact that we tend to lose focus, being drawn away from that which should be central to our lives; again either because of lack of knowledge, immaturity or an unwillingness to understand. Besides which there is an “otherness” about God that makes him somewhat alien to us, beyond our reasoning and ability to fully comprehend; which, at least in part, makes Him God. (See Is. 55:8 & Habakkuk 1:13) Yet even as he has done his part to bridge that gap, there are times when we must be willing to submit our wills to his and trust that he knows best, loves most and wants to work all things for our benefit; even as we struggle to recognize it. “Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his ways. All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant.” Psalm 25:8-10 The flip side of that being, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12

Paul laments that, “Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things (listed in the previous verses) deserve death, they not only continue to do those very things but also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1:32 For example, those in the LGBTQ community are not merely content to live as they please, but actively encourage others to heed their example and applaud those who follow their lead; seeking the vocal support of “straight” friends while attempting to silence and shame those who would hold to the truth of the Gospel.

Let me again hasten to point out that God equally condemns the practice of all the vices listed in Romans 1 & ICor. 6, not just the abandonment of natural relations between men and women for the perversion of same-sex or multi-partner unions; a variety of sexually transmitted diseases being, in part, the “due penalty” for such behavior. (Romans 1:27) Many today use God’s undying love for mankind as a salve for their conscience; believing him incapable of punishing their sin as a result of that love. Believing he made them as they are in every way, they fail to recognize the opportunities we have – through our freedom to choose – to do wrong; earning his disfavor. Did he make the rapist, the murderer, the thief, the drunkard incapable of being anything else? We all may have pre-dispositions to lust, anger or greed – but we choose whether we give in to those contrary enticements or conquer them through Christ’s power and the instruction of His word.

God’s will is plainly conveyed in that word. Scripture dealing with a number of sexual prohibitions, including incest, Leviticus 18:6; adultery, Leviticus 18:20; homosexuality, Leviticus 18:22 and bestiality, Leviticus 18:23; describing them all as defiling, dishonorable, detestable perversions. The record of God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah, whose sin was considered great and grievous (Genesis 18:20), actually mirrored the world’s condition prior to the flood when men’s wickedness permeated all his thoughts and actions (Genesis 6:5), serving as ample warning to wayward men then and today. Sin was rampant in that environment and expressed itself by rebelling against God’s purpose at the most basic level of human relationships; and God can’t – won’t – accept, tolerate, condone or forgive without remorse, repentance and change. Anyone who says otherwise sets himself against scripture, against nature, against God.

1Joel Belz of World Magazine

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Biography Information:

Fred Price - married (50 years), father of two grown children, grandfather of six.

Fred retired earlier this year after 42 years as a factory worker.  He has always had a heart for young people and the challenges they face today.  Over the years Fred has taught Discipleship Groups for High School and college students.