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Relationships of The Heart w/ Nancy
by Nancy Watta
It is hard to believe tomorrow is Friday. I am ending my Thursday evening writing and watching a movie. As usual I am not ashamed to say, I am crying, more like sobbing as I watch this movie. The name of the movie is, “Love Letter to God," and it is a true story. It is a movie that caught me off guard in the heart department. A young boy who went home to be with Jesus, but before he did he touched the lives of many. It is not a story of a young boy, who was in movies, videos or on the big stage of life, or tweeted around the world. Yet, he touched everyone that God brought his way.
As my tears fall, I recall 20 years of stories that people shared with me as I walked through my home town and the city I am in now. My life was filled with the joys, the tears, the struggles, Father’s, Mother’s, children, company owners, and Christian leaders, that I will carry in my heart forever. For some reason I forgot about the many times that I sat in emergency rooms, all night in a chair, and then somehow went back to work the next morning and to school.
This movie brings tears to my eyes, as I remember sitting in a hospital room with a young boy, whose time was nearing to go home to be with Jesus. On one side of the bed his mom slept, as I sat in the chair on the other side of the bed praying for God to heal this young man. As morning arrived and the light began to come into the room, I realized it was time for me to go home and get some rest. Family and friends were coming to be with the young man’s mom and she would no longer be alone. I heard later that day, that the young man’s church community visited his room. As they surrounded his bed, they prayed and sang. That day the young man went home to be with Jesus. For some reason tonight I believe God desired me to remember this young man. You see, he touched my heart, with his courage and his bravery as we chatted that night.
As I close everything down for the evening, a word is on my lips for others; Never think that visiting people in the hospital, listening to others throughout your workday, or holding someone as they cry is not important. It deeply touches the heart of God, for we serve a God who hangs out in tear filled rooms. It is in these places away from the crowd, that I believe God looks down and smiles, and other times as our tears mingle with those we are with, he is weeping with us. We serve a God that hangs out in tucked away places away from the prying eyes.
Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15
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Nancy is the, founder/leader of the Relationships of the Heart Learning Community, and Truth and Relationships.
Global focus, through social media, video, podcast, blogs and online courses. She also is a Global English Tutor.
In the U.S. and Around the World, Nancy encouarges the church to become a Learning Community that is focused on Discipleship, and living life God's way.
*Words from Nancy, No barrier is too high for us to bridge the gap in local, and global relationships.
Online Course Leader at-
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