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Relationships of The Heart w/ Nancy

    by Nancy Watta

Be Not Dismayed
Date Posted: January 30, 2012

It is Saturday morning in the land where I live. The sun is shining brightly and glistens off the new fallen snow. Although the snow is on the ground, I am thinking of the sun shining on a lake. I sit at my desk with a blank page of my journal before me. My bible is open next to it. I begin to turn the pages of my bible, glancing and reading a section on the page as I skim the pages.

My eyes fall on these words in Isaiah 41:10; So do not fear, for I AM with you; do not be dismayed, for I AM your God. I WILL strengthen you and help you; I WILL uphold you with my righteous right hand.(emphasis mine)

I recall the many times that I felt dismayed and this portion of scripture would remind me that He is MY God, my personal God, who is in relationship with me. He strengthened me in the past and he will do so today. He helped me in the past and he will help me today. He upheld me in the past and he will continue to do so today.

For this I am thankful as I journey through this life.

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Biography Information:

Nancy is the, founder/leader of the Relationships of the Heart Learning Community, and Truth and Relationships.

Global focus, through social media, video, podcast, blogs and online courses. She also is a Global English Tutor.

In the U.S. and Around the World, Nancy encouarges the church to become a Learning Community that is focused on Discipleship, and living life God's way.

*Words from Nancy, No barrier is too high for us to bridge the gap in local, and global relationships.

Online Course Leader at-

1- The Basic Steps to Improving Our Focus as Leaders.

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