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Relationships of The Heart w/ Nancy

    by Nancy Watta

Faithful In The Mundane
Date Posted: October 25, 2009

There are days that the mundane arrives on the doorstep of our life and may cause us to ask ourselves, "Why am I doing what I am doing?" My thoughts, "Today, is boring and has no excitement, but what is sitting on my desk must be finished." As someone who has begun to travel, my life looks exciting to many. Yet, if they were able to take a look into what is going on as I prepare to travel, they would see there are days that are just plain ol' days. Except for the traveling, many of my days are not much different than the life of others. Recently, I was preparing to travel to a week long class that would assist me in ministry. To many around me it was exciting to them, that I was able to travel once again. Yes, this is an exciting time of travel, but behind the scenes, it requires me to set up travel arrangements, work on a few projects that I had not planned on working on, until the following week, and begin packing once again. Lately, as I prepare to travel, the mundane of my life is the preparation for travel that takes place behind the scenes.

If others begin to examine their life, they too, will see that they have days that are mundane and maybe a bit boring, just like mine behind the scenes. It is in the mundane days of life, that we learn faithfulness. It is in the midst of packing our bags one more time, paying the bills, making trips to the store for groceries, cleaning our homes, or working on a project that is not our favorite, that we may find, if we are faithful to God, in our day to day life.

According to his word, God continues to look for his sons and daughters to be faithful as we live on this earth. This week examine your life; Are you being faithful in the day to day tasks that God has given you to do? Are you a faithful and good steward of what he has given you to do for him on a day to day basis? Remember; Faithfulness is not only about being faithful in the exciting times of life, but also in day to day living.

Read the following and pray, asking the Lord to show you if he is speaking to you through the following words;

Matthew 25:20-22, Galatians 5:22,1 Peter 4:10 (Read the verses before and following each passage for context)

Lord, I ask that you help us to be faithful, in our day to day life. Give us the desire to be willing to servie you, even in the days that we describe as mundane and maybe a little boring. Prompt us to thank you for each day that you bless us with life on this earth. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen!

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Biography Information:

Nancy is the, founder/leader of the Relationships of the Heart Learning Community, and Truth and Relationships.

Global focus, through social media, video, podcast, blogs and online courses. She also is a Global English Tutor.

In the U.S. and Around the World, Nancy encouarges the church to become a Learning Community that is focused on Discipleship, and living life God's way.

*Words from Nancy, No barrier is too high for us to bridge the gap in local, and global relationships.

Online Course Leader at-

1- The Basic Steps to Improving Our Focus as Leaders.

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