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Relationships of The Heart w/ Nancy
by Nancy Watta
Today’s society in the US is a hurry, hurry, rush, and push as hard as you can type of society. We are completely destination oriented because of all the commercials we see on TV and the internet, hear on radio, and read in newspapers and magazines. Every advertisement tells us that we will have arrived at our destination as soon as we have purchased the item advertised and that life will be bliss thereafter. Our society, sadly, has come to believe this.
The result of all the hurry and seeking our “destination” is that we, as a society, have come to view the journey as an interruption, or delay, in reaching our stated goal - the pleasant relaxation, recognition and achievement we see in the ads. We see the journey as something to rush through as quickly as possible so we can get to our goal/destination and be somebody. Even as adults we are still asking, “Are we there yet?”
God has called us to journey well; to enjoy and not hurry through our journey here, but because we are so destination/goal oriented we often rush right past the flowers, friends, and beauty that God has placed around us for our enjoyment, help, and pleasure. The result is that we don’t see because we don’t take the time to look at our surroundings.
Below is an example of what the camera or average person in our society sees, and what the photographer, or pastor/leader sees. Yes, the camera/average view has just as much information available as the photographer/pastor/leader view has. But because of all the hurry and rush we do not see the sharpness of detail, the contrast of light and shadow, or the brightness of the colors that are actually there for us to see. We fail to see the small details that can make the journey so beautiful, pleasant and attractive.
So it is the responsibility of the photographer/pastor/leader to sharpen the focus on details like the small stones at the edge of the road in the photo. It is their responsibility to point out the contrast of light and shadow created by the sun sifting through the trees. It is their responsibility to call attention to the colors that appear muted in the camera shot.
The three things needed are:
a. Sharpen the focus
b. Point out the contrast
c. Call attention to the color
These three things will help those you lead to journey well. These three things will help them to enjoy their journey rather than becoming frustrated with it.
Come up - Slow Down
“Come up - slow down” is what you are trying to accomplish by sharpening the focus, pointing out the contrast, and calling attention to the color. Repeatedly, throughout the scriptures, God calls each of us to, “Come up and slow down”. He constantly asks us, “Won’t you please sit with me for a while?” Let’s help those we are leading to see how it is done.
Copyright 2013, Jerry Miller
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Nancy is the, founder/leader of the Relationships of the Heart Learning Community, and Truth and Relationships.
Global focus, through social media, video, podcast, blogs and online courses. She also is a Global English Tutor.
In the U.S. and Around the World, Nancy encouarges the church to become a Learning Community that is focused on Discipleship, and living life God's way.
*Words from Nancy, No barrier is too high for us to bridge the gap in local, and global relationships.
Online Course Leader at-
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