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Sufficient Grace

    by Shelly Weiss

Date Posted: February 27, 2008

Are you ready for a challenge? Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to lay a request before God. The more ‘impossible’ the request, the better. Small request indicate you have a limited view of God. Now, your request must align with Scripture. Winning the lottery is not consistent with God’s character. Asking for financial resources to meet your needs is (*see Proverbs 30:8,9). Resist details such as telling God how your prayer can be answered. Remember, His thoughts are higher than ours ( Isaiah 55:9). Let me give you an example: Yesterday, I prayed for God to change my heart and feelings for someone. I didn’t know how it would happen, but I knew my feelings for this person was interfering with God’s will for my life. I told Jesus I wanted Him to resume first place in my life and remove any/everyone that takes my eyes off of Him. When I put my head on the pillow to sleep last night, I could not believe what a transformation had taken place. As I tried figuring out how it happened, Jesus interrupted my thoughts with a simple, “You’re welcome. You just have to ask instead of trying to follow me on your own.”
Matthew 11:19 – “… wisdom is proved right by her actions.”

"'Winging It" from Stan Smith


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Biography Information:
Shelly is a 30 something year old licensed therapist with cerebral palsy who is transitioning onto a whole new path in her life. As someone who was never limited by her disability, through recent declines in her health and abilities, God is humbling her despite her stubborn resistance. She is closer to Jesus than she ever has been as He carries her with His strength, protects her with His armor, and empowers her with His Spirit.She uses her writing and speaking gifts to fulfill her ultimate purpose of bringing glory to God through her life.
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