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Sufficient Grace
by Shelly Weiss
Are you ready for a challenge? Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to lay a request before God. The more ‘impossible’ the request, the better. Small request indicate you have a limited view of God. Now, your request must align with Scripture. Winning the lottery is not consistent with God’s character. Asking for financial resources to meet your needs is (*see Proverbs 30:8,9). Resist details such as telling God how your prayer can be answered. Remember, His thoughts are higher than ours ( Isaiah 55:9). Let me give you an example: Yesterday, I prayed for God to change my heart and feelings for someone. I didn’t know how it would happen, but I knew my feelings for this person was interfering with God’s will for my life. I told Jesus I wanted Him to resume first place in my life and remove any/everyone that takes my eyes off of Him. When I put my head on the pillow to sleep last night, I could not believe what a transformation had taken place. As I tried figuring out how it happened, Jesus interrupted my thoughts with a simple, “You’re welcome. You just have to ask instead of trying to follow me on your own.”
Matthew 11:19 – “… wisdom is proved right by her actions.”
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