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Sufficient Grace
by Shelly Weiss
While chatting with a friend in the church parking lot, I noticed a magnificent sky-piece over her shoulder. “Look at the sky” and she silently admired it for 45 seconds or so. It looked like a beam of light coming from heaven, as if a way was being made for Jesus’ returning. We didn’t discuss what we saw but I am sure she saw something completely different. Maybe she saw a path going up to heaven… maybe she didn’t even see a path.
Nature and our world around us are God’s masterpieces. He made our surroundings colorful and melodious for a reason – I believe he did it to grab our attention. Sometimes I imagine He has a mega etch-a-sketch that he shakes and makes a new sky patter to grab our attention again. Just as I never become bored with my niece’s art work made especially for me, I never tire of God’s creations. They literally speak to me, rather He speaks to me through them. Look up at the sky today and listen with your heart – He’s talking to you.
And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and year… Gen.1:14
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