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Sufficient Grace
by Shelly Weiss
My church uses a lot of visual media in each service, Powerpoint presentations with song lyrics harmoniously swaying with the music as we sing. This morning, I’ve had a similar visualization in my head, words to “Nothing is as Wonderful” playing as my heart joins in.
All I want is to know you, Jesus. All I want is to know I belong to you. Show me all of the things that are worthless that I thought were so valuable to you…
Nothing is as lovely; Nothing is as worthy; Nothing is as wonderful as knowing You…
All I want is to know you, Jesus, and the power that raised you from the dead. Help me forget all the things that I’ve done and set my heart on what lies ahead.
I am returning to the path after straying briefly. ‘Briefly’ does not minimize my straying for Satan can get you anytime you take your eyes off Jesus.
Help me forget all the things that I’ve done and set my mind on what lies ahead.
Looking back with shame and regret keeps us from noticing our surroundings. The following is what flowed from my pen this morning:
Nor height, nor depth. Nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:39
Praise God! Yes, I messed up, but Jesus is holding out his hand for me to return and rejoin Him.
Holy Guide
I don’t need to know the destination,
I only need to be at Your side.
Whatever terrain I come upon,
Can be conquered if You’re my Guide.
Disposing this ol’ map I’ve made,
No longer will I need to chart,
For the Spirit leads me step by step,
Directing me from my heart. SW 3/6/8
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