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Surrendered to Love

    by Jeannie Pallett

Intersection to Glory
Date Posted: May 1, 2012

It is seldom that I have my blog post the same as my Liveasif column but due to recent unexpected circumstances, save for these paragraphs, it is the same.

In any event, I trust that this will serve to inspire you, challenge and encourage you to press in even closer to Jesus.

Ever have those times in life when you feel as if the negative forces of life seem to take on life of their own and try to overwhelm you and drown you in difficulty?

When events go from one degree of tragedy to another? ...And you begin to feel a spark of fear in your heart wondering what tomorrow will bring. Almost dreading the waking the next morning?

First thing we need to do is deal with fear. Fear will wipe out faith in a heart beat. Fear will steal peace from us and take us into a place of captivity.

As children of God we are free. We are captives only because the Father has captivated us with His love.

We rest in His love, secure and at peace in His embrace of love. He holds tomorrow, He knows each coming event, He sees each tear that falls and He hears us when we praise His beautiful Name.

Jesus, Master, Savior, King, Redeemer, Healer, Provider, Our Peace.

Fear intersects with Faith. Fear hits a dead end. Faith lifts high the Name of Jesus. Faith sees us holding on to the promises of God and faith brings those promises to pass in our lives.

Weeping may endure for the night. Weeping in grief is healthy, it is normal and the release of tears is healing.

Joy comes in the morning - we have been unafraid to cry, unafraid to face the grief of death, of disease, of disappointment.... Joy enters our heart because we are free!

Our emotions have been expressed in a healthy way, we have looked to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith and have seen that in grief, He too wept.

Weeping intersects with Joy. Fear intersects with Faith. Faith intersects with Freedom. Freedom intersects with Abundant Life.

Abundant life reveals the glory of God within us.

All of these tragedies, difficulties and disappointments are really building blocks to lead us into Jesus who is high and lifted up. From a place next to His heart we are enabled to see these things from a higher perspective.

The fires and floods are not to destroy us, they are simply tools our Master is using to chisel us into His Image.

In the space of seven weeks, my little dog Shadow tore his second knee ligament and underwent surgery. Our son killed himself. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. My mother died suddenly.

In all of these things the Bible tells me I am more than a conqueror and in all these things I have the surpassing victory.

Why? Because my life is rooted and grounded in the Word of God and I choose to delight in His testimonies of grace, love and victory. I choose to believe that no weapon, NO weapon formed against me shall prosper.

I delight in His unchanging Word and that in turn produces joy deep in my heart. I am my Beloved's and He is mine.

Here is an excerpt from Beckoned by the King that really ministered to my heart in our Bible study today:

We choose daily what flavor our choices will have, what will rule our thoughts and attitudes. Our feelings and our emotions are determined by whether or not our hearts are willing to take the path of the Cross. Our first decision is determined by our willingness to die, denying self and acknowledging the rightful longing of God to reign in our lives in every area. It is in places we have never been - places we don't know exist, places we don't want to go to, places that are dark and lonely - that God longs to flood His light.

"Yes! The door of your heart is where your greatest decisions are made. The attitude of your heart will greatly influence what choice you decide upon. If your heart is open, it is like a shoe in the door; there I can whisper to you words of comfort and encouragement that will guide you into making decisions that are right.

When your mind and emotions are reeling with worldly heaviness, I will be the Lifter of your head. I shall cradle your head within My arms and with great tenderness look into your eyes - they are the windows of your soul and reveal much. I shall speak Light into the darkness there and revive you with My Word."

Psalm 119:25-32

Here are some questions to ponder:

What is choosing the faithful way going to look like in your life? Do you fully desire to run in the way of His commandments: Are you truly willing to count all things loss in order for your heart to be brimming with the Living Word of God?

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Biography Information:
Who am I ? I am a woman who has been pursued by a God who passionately loves me; a woman who is learning to surrender her heart and mind to that great Lover of my soul. I am a woman who is learning to die to self in order that I might live the abundant life that God has planned for me. He has ignited in my heart a passion for writing as I spend time in His Presence and  to share the tender heart of my God through the words He gives me. I am the author of Beckoned by the King and less of me and more of Him can be found at
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