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Surrendered to Love

    by Jeannie Pallett

Kingdom Reminders
Date Posted: June 19, 2012

At the end of the Gospels and the beginning of our Christian lives, Jesus died on the Cross; He carried our sins, bore our sorrows and by his shed blood, healed ALL of our diseases. He also has promised to redeem our lives from the pit, crown us with love and compassion, satisfy our desires with good things so that our youth is restored like the eagle's.

Father, Precious Papa, Keeper of your Word, I am asking that you would remember your Word to your servant, for through it, you have given me hope. (Psalm 119:49)

Your Word, if I may remind you says, "I am the God that heals you". Lord, would you remember this Word for through it you have given me hope?

"By the stripes of Jesus, you were healed." Father, remember your Word for we trust in you and our hope of healing rests in you. Father, we believe your Word, we trust in your Word and therefore we expect you to remember your Word and bring it to pass in our lives.

Our comfort in our suffering is this: "Your promise preserves my life." (Psalm 119:50)

1 Peter 5:10 is a promise I would like to remind you of Father. "You who are the God of all grace, who called us to your eternal glory in Christ where our lives are hidden; you said after we have suffered a little while you yourself will restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast."

The Word says Father that you sent your Word and healed them. In the Gospels, it says that Jesus healed all who were sick.

So Father, will you not bring about justice for your chosen one? You chose Bruce, Lord to be your son. We cry out to you day and night. Will you keep putting us off? Will you not see that Bruce receives justice - and quickly?

Lord Jesus, you are present with us, you see that our hearts are filled with faith; our mouths speak the promises of your Word concerning healing.

We are Kingdom citizens and we ask you O King by speaking forth Kingdom promises.

This is what we have been doing lately and in obeying the Word, we/I have found a certain measure of peace. Since Jesus promised trials and tribulations, why should I think we are exempt? He has given us the promise of overcoming them so how else shall we know we are overcomers save for the trials?

This trial of prostate cancer has been a difficult one to embrace; I would be lying if I said I was not scared at times of the future, lying if I told you every time fear came that I flung wide my heart to embrace and speak the Word of God. Many times, I have felt hopeless and fearful...but I choose not to remain in that space and that is when my conversation with God goes much like above.

We have seen the divine hand of God move in our circumstances and we have learned that as long as we keep moving, God will keep guiding us. We have paid attention to the peace we have felt, knowing that we are to let peace be the umpire that rules our hearts. Each time we said no to something God would help us find new information or bring men alongside Bruce to share their story. Right now, we have a specialist appointment for next week when we will be seeing a doctor trained in robotic surgery. This is the way God has lead us. Our hope and our trust are in God.

No matter the trial, test or tribulation, the most important thing is that we stay sensitive to the Spirit of God and go in the direction we sense He is leading. One foot in front of the other, He gives us just enough light for the step we are to take.

I am reminded of these words, some of my favorites from Beckoned by the King:

Rejoice. This is a fact that is to rule our emotions. Without questioning the relevance or reasons, we are simply to rejoice.

But when the days come that threaten to topple the tranquility of the lives we enjoy, what gives us balance and stabilizes our hearts? The Word of God that we have hidden in our hearts rises to quiet the straying thoughts in our heads that threaten to take us way off course. The apostle Peter tells us to rejoice and be exceedingly glad when we face trials and hardships.

Our hearts will be able to rejoice when we make the choice to worship our unchanging God of mercy and might, compassion and companionship. His friendship, His loving touch, His spoken words, His whispered encouragement and comfort all come to mean so much more than anything outside of Him can bring to us.

...We can rejoice in our afflictions, for they cause us to look for, hope for and wait upon our God. In the good times of our lives, let us guard against complacency and let God arise so that His enemies are scattered. Let God arise in our souls so that we can look about and see His salvation taking place.

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Biography Information:
Who am I ? I am a woman who has been pursued by a God who passionately loves me; a woman who is learning to surrender her heart and mind to that great Lover of my soul. I am a woman who is learning to die to self in order that I might live the abundant life that God has planned for me. He has ignited in my heart a passion for writing as I spend time in His Presence and  to share the tender heart of my God through the words He gives me. I am the author of Beckoned by the King and less of me and more of Him can be found at
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