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The Bible Speaks
by Gino Geraci
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To our God and Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen (Jude 24,25 NKJV).
Jude’s final words on Christian living and escaping the error of false teaching focus squarely on the Lord. God is the One able to keep you from falling or stumbling. He is the One who will present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. No wonder we should receive Him as Savior and follow Him as Lord every day!
Don't allow the majesty of these words to loose their meaning in your life. Doubt, anxiety, fear, and fraud, are our constant companions. Human beings seem committed to worry. But God is able! The words of Jude remind us of God's wonder and power. He is the only wise God, worthy of worship, praise, trust and affection.
The source of the believer’s security is the keeping power of God. We are told to keep ourselves in the love of god. God alone has the power to keep us in a world immersed in perversion, corruption, and false teaching. God is able to make us blameless (amomos), which means to be spotless and pure, without any defilement. It is a kind of forensic righteousness, through Jesus Christ. He is able to keep us from falling down here, and then He is able to present us faultless up there!
God alone is wise. God alone is Savior. God alone is the true and living God, the only God who created our universe, this world, and human beings. He alone has the wisdom and power to save man from a corrupt world of rebellion, opposition to God, sin, death and judgment. God alone dwells in glory, majesty, dominion, power.
There is only one thing left for believers to do; praise Him in everything!
© 2007 by Gino Geraci
He has served as a police chaplain for several police departments and currently serves as a Police Chaplain for the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department. Gino has provided emergency service support in many national tragedies. He was a first responder at Columbine High School, Ground Zero in New York, and Platte Canyon High School.
Gino has appeared on scores of national and local radio programs as a guest, including television appearances with Lee Stroebel's Faith Under Fire. He currently hosts a daily radio program with Salem Media in Denver, Colorado area.
Gino is a much sought after conference speaker. He has conducted leadership conferences, Bible conferences, and emergency service support conferences with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritans' Purse, Gospel for Asia in India and Sri Lanka, the Bible League in Africa, Food For The Poor in Jamaica, Mike McIntosh Crusades in Mexico, Somebody Loves You Bible Conferences with Raul Ries in Chile, Columbia and Peru, and pastor's conferences in much of the continental United States.
Gino is currently the pastor of Calvary South Denver where he continues to minister, preach, teach, and serve.
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