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The Bible Speaks

    by Gino Geraci

The Fitness For Our Christian Life : Spiritual Discernment (Jude 22-23)
Date Posted: September 13, 2007

And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh (Jude 22-23 NKJV).

The word “compassion” is from the same root word translated mercy in verse 21. Peter used the same word in 1 Peter 2:10 which reads, “who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.” We are not to be mercy hogs. We are not to desire for God to judge others, and have mercy on us. We must share God’s mercy with others.

Make a Distinction

To make a distinction means to make a difference. The Greek word is diakrino in the present middle participle in the accusative case. I know that's Greek to you! The word seems to mean doubting, those who are doubting or those who doubt.

Minister to the Doubting and the Dangerous

We are to minister to the doubting. We are to be gentle with some. People are easily caught up in the latest fad, whether holy laughter, or barking or mooing or booing. Be patient. Reason with them from the Scripture. Others need to be grabbed by the back of their spiritual necks and yanked away from nonsense.

We are to save some with fear, pulling them out of the fire. There is no easy way to save a person engulfed in flames without exposing yourself to danger. Every firefighter knows that. But those who are spiritual are to restore others in a spirit of gentleness (Galatians 6:1).

Hating the Garments Defiled by the Flesh

In the Old Testament, whenever a man was cleansed from leprosy (a type of sin) his garments were to be burned (Num.13:52). Jude is using this as an analogy; when you are dealing with people immersed in false teaching and corrupt practices and perversity, make sure you're not infected. Save the man, but burn the garment. We are to be like Jesus who loved the sinner and despised the sin. Jesus had a reputation of hanging out with sinners but not sinning.

Do you believe you have the spiritual gift of discernment? Do you have a deep concern for those who are trapped in false doctrine, in cults and the occult? Then snatch them away from the fire!

© 2007 by Gino Geraci

"Bible verse and quote" from Jan Couns

Bible and Quote - November 18-22

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Biography Information:
Gino Geraci is the founding Pastor of Calvary South Denver.

He has served as a police chaplain for several police departments and currently serves as a Police Chaplain for the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department. Gino has provided emergency service support in many national tragedies. He was a first responder at Columbine High School, Ground Zero in New York, and Platte Canyon High School.

Gino has appeared on scores of national and local radio programs as a guest, including television appearances with Lee Stroebel's Faith Under Fire. He currently hosts a daily radio program with Salem Media in Denver, Colorado area.

Gino is a much sought after conference speaker. He has conducted leadership conferences, Bible conferences, and emergency service support conferences with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritans' Purse, Gospel for Asia in India and Sri Lanka, the Bible League in Africa, Food For The Poor in Jamaica, Mike McIntosh Crusades in Mexico, Somebody Loves You Bible Conferences with Raul Ries in Chile, Columbia and Peru, and pastor's conferences in much of the continental United States.

Gino is currently the pastor of Calvary South Denver where he continues to minister, preach, teach, and serve.
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