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    by Gino Geraci

The Significance Of The Prophecy (Jude v.15)
Date Posted: August 9, 2007

. . . to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all of their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him (Jude 15 NJKV).

One of the reason's for Jesus' second coming is to judge the wicked. Jude uses the all inclusive word, “all” three times and “everyone” once. Every human being must stand before the Judge. Who will be acquitted? The righteous. Who will be punished? The unrighteous.

The righteous are those who have full faith and confidence in the exclusive ability of Jesus Christ, the Righteous, to save them. In that day the unbeliever cannot claim ignorance because they have received warnings in every generation. The truth is, the ungodly ignore the warnings and sin anyway.

We live in an age of bumper sticker theology. “Turn or Burn. Fly or Fry. Get right or get left.” Christians can certainly present the subject of judgment or hell in an insensitive or unloving manner. But perhaps the greater problem is many Christians want to avoid the subject of conviction and punishment all together.

The ungodly are those who reject God, and Christ and His message. No real believe is in the category of the ungodly, but the term can certainly refer to the make believer. Yet there is a lot of “ungodliness” that clings to the believer like stale cigarette smoke clings to the clothes of a smoker.

When Jude reminds us that Jesus will judge the ungodly, it shouldn't give us the smug satisfaction of an ex-smoker that says, “you're going to be judged;” rather it should stimulate each one of us to ask the question, “what kinds of ungodliness still clings to me?”

Ungodliness is any thinking or behavior that does not meet with God's approval. Jude will focus here and in verse 16 on the sin of haughtiness, pride, or arrogance. Theologians have long placed pride in the number one sin position. Why? Because pride, in its essence, is longing to be God, or be like God.

The evidence of pride is obvious and can be seen in the fact that it rubs many people the wrong way if you bring up the fact the Bible speaks of a God who commands love and demands worship and obedience.

The Western World, with all our advances in technology, medicine, science, literature, government and so on, is becoming more and more proud, seeking to divorce God from the public arena, and crowding out any room for a personal God in our hearts. But there is plenty of room for a god of our own making and fabrication.

Because we are human, we are compelled to worship. Because we are fallen, we worship everyone or anyone who is not the true and living God of the Bible.

Ask yourself this question, “Have I tried to custom fit God into my needs or expectations?”

© 2007 by Gino Geraci

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Biography Information:
Gino Geraci is the founding Pastor of Calvary South Denver.

He has served as a police chaplain for several police departments and currently serves as a Police Chaplain for the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department. Gino has provided emergency service support in many national tragedies. He was a first responder at Columbine High School, Ground Zero in New York, and Platte Canyon High School.

Gino has appeared on scores of national and local radio programs as a guest, including television appearances with Lee Stroebel's Faith Under Fire. He currently hosts a daily radio program with Salem Media in Denver, Colorado area.

Gino is a much sought after conference speaker. He has conducted leadership conferences, Bible conferences, and emergency service support conferences with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritans' Purse, Gospel for Asia in India and Sri Lanka, the Bible League in Africa, Food For The Poor in Jamaica, Mike McIntosh Crusades in Mexico, Somebody Loves You Bible Conferences with Raul Ries in Chile, Columbia and Peru, and pastor's conferences in much of the continental United States.

Gino is currently the pastor of Calvary South Denver where he continues to minister, preach, teach, and serve.
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