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The Focus

    by Dennis Wheeler

"Panic Mode?!"
Date Posted: October 1, 2003

Do you ever look down the road of life and become a bit overwhelmed at all the tasks, expectations, responsibilities and challenges?

Boy, I sure do!! I start to fret and worry and think..."Oh, I need to do this!" "I had better be preparing for that!" And before I realize it - - my life is in a panic mode!!

I wonder if Moses felt this way when God called him to lead the Israelites out of captivity? Think about this...God says, "Hey, Moses! Why don't you get things ready and lead the Israelistes out of their bondage into a dry and barren wilderness. You might want to pack some extra supplies...there's about 3.5 million people."

Do you realize that . . .

Just to feed that many people would have required 1,500 tons of food each day!
Moses would need 4,000 tons of firewood each day just to cook the food!
Moses would need 11,000,000 gallons of water each day!

What about a campground. There was no KOA campground nearby with an inground pool and playground! In fact, to camp out for the night would require an area about 2/3 size of the state of Rhode Island!

And to top it all off...they have to cross the Red Sea!!! If they went double-file, the line would have been 800 miles long and would have required 35 days and nights to get through.

Do you think Moses calculated all this before he accepted God's call and stepped out in faith? Possibly! But what it all boils down to is this . . . Moses believed God!!

Do you need to STOP calculating the risks in your life and STEP OUT in faith?

As a church, do we need to STOP looking at the challenges and START trusting?

What God calls us to do, HE WILL provide the resources necessary to complete the task!! I BELIEVE!!!

"'Winging It" from Stan Smith

The Fulfilling Marriage

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Biography Information:
Dennis Wheeler...pastor, speaker, encourager, and humorist lives with his family in beautiful east Tennessee.

He serves as the Senior Pastor with southwest Virginia church... a loving church family in Abingdon.

He and his wife Sharon have been married for over 27 years and are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, one son-in-law, and two precious grandchildren, the second arrived arrived on the scene in September 2004!!
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