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The Focus

    by Dennis Wheeler

Raising a church!
Date Posted: April 13, 2005

For a few years my family and I lived in the heart of Amish country in northern Indiana & southern Michigan. I greatly enjoyed hearing the clip-clop of the horse & buggies...seeing the carefully cared for farms...and dining on their delicious food! (I'm confident that our local Wal-Mart was probably the only Wal-Mart in the nation that had a hitching post for the horse & buggies!!)

The Amish community though can seem starkly different from the rest of us.
For instance, they dress differently ... only dark, plain colors and no buttons.

they travel differently ... only horse and buggies - no cars.
they live differently ... separate schools and separate churches.
they eat differently ... homegrown crops raised on their farms.

It's a much simpler life than we're accustomed to.

But they have some other differences that greatly impress me.
For instance, if a member of the Amish community has to go into the hospital. The entire community pools it's funds together and pays the hospital bill in cash! In fact, many hospitals in Amish areas will give discounts to the Amish patients because their medical expenses are always paid in full and on time!

I am also fascinated when the Amish folks come together for a 'barn raising'. It could be that a member in the community had a barn that was destroyed when it was struck by lightening. Well, at a 'barn raising' the entire Amish community will converge on that site with lumber, tools, and food. Entire walls are framed and hoisted up by a line of men. And in less than one, the barn is completely built, everyone is well fed, and the incredible fellowship is shared by everyone - all because of the spirit of partnership that is at the core of the Amish community.

I believe that as His 'church' we could take a lesson from our dear Amish friends!

If we want the world to take notice and see Christ...then they need to see His 'church' come together. In order to raise up His church we must put our differences aside...converge into the fields that are ready for the harvest...and come equipped with all the necessary tools and spiritual food.

We must never forget that Christ's final prayer was for His church..."I pray that they may be brought to complete unity so that the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them." (John 17:23 - NLT)

I really like what John Maxwell says..."Unity is an attitude before it becomes an action."

C'mon folks...let's gather together and RAISE UP HIS CHURCH !!!

"Word from Scotland" from Sandy Shaw

"Lord God, You Have a Funny Way of Working at Times"

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Biography Information:
Dennis Wheeler...pastor, speaker, encourager, and humorist lives with his family in beautiful east Tennessee.

He serves as the Senior Pastor with southwest Virginia church... a loving church family in Abingdon.

He and his wife Sharon have been married for over 27 years and are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, one son-in-law, and two precious grandchildren, the second arrived arrived on the scene in September 2004!!
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