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The Focus

    by Dennis Wheeler

To give is just as divine!
Date Posted: December 3, 2003

In our Sunday morning worship services at Central Christian Church...we are currently discussing the topic "Why Should I Give?"

To be honest...being giving and being 'generous' are not natural characteristics. You don't believe me? Just go to a local day care center and watch the children play and interact. They will squabble over who goes first, whose piece of cookie is bigger, and who plays with their toys.

Even as adults...we do the same thing...especially in the area of our finances. The choices we make often reflect the desire to keep what is ours and to be sure that we have our 'rightful share'.

But as we've been learning - God calls Christians to a lifestyle of generous giving & sharing - - not of accumulating and hoarding. He encourages us and invites us to find security in our relationship with Him!


Well, for most of us, no matter how much we have - it never feels like enough. Also, by having our focus on finances - we are opening the door to uncertainity and anxiety. What if we lose our job? What if we don't get the promotion? What if we get a long-term illness? What if the stock market doesn't bounce back? When our finances suffer - our sense of security experiences a major decline.

BUT...if our security is in a personal, intimate relationship with God - then we'll be thankful for what we have and will trust Him with our future. We'll keep finances in their proper perspective - - they are given to us by God to be used for His purposes, not ours!

One of God's purposes is that we support His church. How generously do you give to your church? Do you seek out additional opportunities to give? Do you have a positive attitude when you hear about needs within the church family?

May your GIVING reveal that your security is in God!!

"Freely you have received...not freely you give!!"

"Point of Reference" from Fred Price

In His Glorious and Awesome Name Deut. 28:58

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Biography Information:
Dennis Wheeler...pastor, speaker, encourager, and humorist lives with his family in beautiful east Tennessee.

He serves as the Senior Pastor with southwest Virginia church... a loving church family in Abingdon.

He and his wife Sharon have been married for over 27 years and are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, one son-in-law, and two precious grandchildren, the second arrived arrived on the scene in September 2004!!
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