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Thoughts of a saint and slave

    by Sam Isaacson

Parables: the hidden treasure/the pearl
Date Posted: November 14, 2009

Something I love about Jesus’ parables is that sometimes reading them can really confirm something that we just know. The following two parables are very similar, and this is true of them; have a read:

‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.’ (Matthew 13:44-46)

Finding the treasure

So here’s the first point: the Kingdom is as valuable as treasure. And a lot of treasure at that – in order to get this treasure the man ‘sells all that he has’! How often do we look at the church and think that? If we needed to sell all we have to turn up on a Sunday morning, would we do it? Jesus wants us to know that there is nothing more valuable than the Kingdom! Jesus loves the church, and wants us to as well. I have met so many who have said that either (a) they are not Christians because of what the church has done, or (b) they feel they can be Christians without the church. Jesus would say to both of these groups, ‘you are not looking at my church! My church is a valuable treasure, so treat it like one!’

What the treasure causes

To be honest, reading this parable makes me feel a little uncomfortable. The man in this parable found the Kingdom of God, and was so excited about it he literally ‘sells all that he has’. So the question to be asked is: do we need to sell all that we have? And I’m not too sure that’s what Jesus is saying, based on this verse. This is a parable, a story used to illustrate a different concept, so in terms of financial implications I think that this parable is not enough to convince me that we ought to sell all that we have for the Kingdom.

Rather, what we see is a man who makes a large sacrifice in order to obtain the Kingdom. Let me give you an example. I know a non-Christian who knows that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, but he will not become a Christian. Why not? Because he doesn’t want to stop sleeping with his girlfriend, and he knows that becoming a Christian would mean giving that up temporarily. He has seen that a sacrifice is required, but is not willing to make it. Have you sacrificed in order to be a Christian? If not, then it looks like Jesus is wrong…Jesus is not wrong. I would suggest that if you have not sacrificed in order to be a Christian, then you are not benefiting from this most valuable treasure. Give it some thought, and think about what you could sacrifice in order to free yourself up for the church.

But why would I want to do that?

I’m glad you asked – or, more accurately, Jesus is. I want to be careful how I say this, so will give a quick disclaimer. There is no promise anywhere in Scripture that becoming a Christian makes you healthy, wealthy, and happy. Quite the opposite. That being said, have a look at what happens in this parable. The man doesn’t sell all his possessions out of some sense of duty, but rather ‘in his joy’. Jesus thinks that the promise of the Kingdom has such a sense of joy that it ought to inspire us to make enormous sacrifices for it. But how can we get a joy like that? We get the answer by looking at the parable – have a look at what the man did immediately before responding in joy: he found the valuable treasure, then covered it up.

Corrie Ten Boom was locked in a dark cupboard by the Nazis, and only made it through her ordeal because her father had showed her how to store God’s Word in ‘the hiding place’. Here’s the simple answer: read the Bible, and read it often enough that you begin to remember it – keep it stored and covered up in your heart. You will see the beauty and the glory of Jesus’ church, and Scripture will inspire you to serve God’s church faithfully. Jesus loves his bride, the church, and so ought we to. In time, you will see that there is so much joy in the church, and we get the honour of being blessed in the church! It is wonderful to be a part of God’s Plan A, and realising that makes it surprisingly easy to sacrifice for the Kingdom. Will you join me on this exciting adventure for the glory of God?

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Biography Information:
Sam is married with two very young children. He manages somehow to balance family life with working full-time as a technology risk consultant for an international professional services firm, being actively involved in a church plant in London, UK, and keeping up-to-date with the NFL.
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