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Thoughts of a saint and slave

    by Sam Isaacson

Wisen up: Proverbs 4:10-13
Date Posted: February 11, 2012

'Hear, my son, and accept my words, that the years of your life may be many. I have taught you the way of wisdom; I have led you in the paths of uprightness. When you walk, your step will not be hampered, and if you run, you will not stumble. Keep hold of instruction; do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.' (Proverbs 4:10-13)

The Bible must be the single most challenging book in the whole of history. The most mind-blowing, heavyweight truths are presented in such a straightforward, easy-to-understand way that if you're anything like me you feel convicted pretty much every time you start to read.

Live long...

Solomon's words here are so simple that they're almost misleading. In the opening verse this week he says: 'do what I say, and you'll live longer.' And I don't think this was intended as poetic language, I think it's intended to be as simple as he makes it out to be: exercise wisdom and you'll enjoy long life. Of course, this makes sense; a wise person looks both ways before crossing the road whereas a foolish person just strolls out regardless, and we know who's going to come out better from those two.

...and prosper

In response to the heretical 'health and wealth' prosperity gospel that's become so popular a lot of Christians are unwilling to talk about God blessing Christians in any way. The presentation of Christianity then becomes something along the lines of 'materialism is wrong, consumerism is wrong, wearing makeup is wrong, come to our church and be miserable for the glory of God!' But Solomon's words here are phenomenally encouraging: 'if you run, you will not stumble.' If we have truly taken on board and acted on wisdom, then we will be able to joyfully sprint through life without slipping up! I see no reason why a Christian shouldn't be able to say that every single area of their life has been generously blessed by our loving, giving God.

Wisdom first

Of course, the risk of this sort of thing is that you end up then being disappointed with God when he doesn't make you rich, or when you get sick, or when you lose your job, or when your pastor commits adultery, or when your child dies. 'Sam said you would bless me, but my life is falling apart around me.' And the answer to those situations isn't an easy one, but it is biblical: wisdom comes first. So if we've truly taken on board and acted on wisdom, we will understand the truth of these scenarios; sometimes things will happen that we simply don't understand, but if we are wise then we will recognise that behind everything God is (1) in control, (2) our loving Father, and (3) working all things for our good and for his glory. And if we have that wisdom, we will never have reason to complain, knowing that our lives will indeed be lengthened by him, even into eternity with him. Isn't he glorious?!

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Biography Information:
Sam is married with two very young children. He manages somehow to balance family life with working full-time as a technology risk consultant for an international professional services firm, being actively involved in a church plant in London, UK, and keeping up-to-date with the NFL.
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