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Voice of Inspiration

    by Andy Castro

Date Posted: June 23, 2024

John 17:18 The MESSAGE

In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world.(Jesus)


a. A special assignment given to a person or group

b. A combat operation assigned to a person or military unit.

It is clear. Jesus has given us an assignment, a mission or a call for our life.

If you don't know what it is, it is time to find out.

If we do not seek out and follow Gods plan, spiritually we slowly fade away into a slumber always living short of personal internal victories and never completing the will of God. It's like reading over and over the same chapter of the story of your life. Nothing changes as you follow the footsteps of the Israelites who walked in the desert with Moses for forty years. It wasn't Gods plan for them and its not His plans for you.

It is an important factor to realize that God has plans for you. If you do not realize this, I would highly suggest asking God to make this a known to you in a deep sense of the word. Study the scriptures above and think about them on a regular basis. It comes down to asking yourself, what is mans purpose for your existence or deeper still, why did God create me? God didn't just decide to create man just because He can. Look at it this way. He created man out of the dust of the earth. If He left it at that we would be a lifeless statue for Him to talk about with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and there wouldn't be much to talk about. He breathe into the mud man the breath of life. It was the breath from the lungs of the Creator of all that is and is to come. Not just any life but everlasting life, the Spirit of Himself to live forever more throughout eternity. It was His DNA purposely transferred into the first man to express His creative self on the earth. You are not just a trophy wife to God. He didn't create you because He was bored one day or to put on show for the sake of showing what He can do. Who would He show His work too? The fallen angels? God didn't need to show them His power. He showed it when He cast them out of heaven as a flash of lightning.
Paul the apostle said it this way, " Work out your salvation". James the Apostle said, "Faith without works is dead". So you are "saved" or "born again". Now what? It's time to get in touch with the plan of God and pursue it. It is your choice. It is your duty. It is your calling to help complete Gods work for mankind.

Yes, God wants to use you to do a good work in this life but it all starts with you finding out what it is.

It is your time.


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Biography Information:
Since recommitting his life to Christ in 2000, God has changed Andy in such a way, he hardly recognizes himself. Andy is a story of God's grace and mercy.

He now writes and speaks as a voice of inspiration to encourage people to 'find the call' for their life and to fulfill their God given purpose. He writes to help you in your pursuit.
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