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Voice of Inspiration

    by Andy Castro

Mud Man
Date Posted: August 13, 2023

He must have seen the glory beaming out of the one named Adam. He had to see the sunrise and sunset, creativity and passion, strength and love in the muddy mixture. He must have seen the majesty of untold greatness and the beauty of wholeness in this unfamiliar work of creation. Lucifer, in all his anger, resentment and bitterness must have seen Adam as a reflection of Almighty God. He must have shook in fear as he watched the Creator from a distance form, mold and shape the mud into man. Questions and worry must have invaded his mind as God etched away all imperfections to create His self-portrait. The fallen angels must have been uneasy as they observed the great Artist do His finest work. They must have anxiously paced and murmured amongst themselves. They had to wonder with great apprehension: “What is God up to now?” The scene, I’m sure, was like an audience in a theater entrenched in a movie leading up to the climax of the film. Nothing is more important than knowing what is next.

Then it happens. God, the Father, draws near to the hand crafted form of dirt. He looks deep into the eyes of the lifeless creation. As the fallen one’s silence them-selves in utter anticipation, God breathes deep, as do the fallen also. He releases His breath into His art form. Life giving breath. Not just any life, everlasting Life from the Father of all that is.

The climax has reached its summit. The fallen have reached a point of clamor and riotousness within its camp. Who knows what’s next with God’s making? They sense the atmosphere altering. And in God’s perfect timing, as if He was waiting for the cells, blood, nerve endings and all the infinite details that keep man physically alive, the eyes of His image abruptly open. The body violently gasps its first breath and moments later, softly says, “Abba”.

With a hostile piercing roar, the fallen cry out, “God has released His most glorious composition! More glorious than all that He has created. The music, songs and worship from this mud man will be superior to our Lucifer.”

Psalm 139:13-16(AMP)

13For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth [a region of darkness and mystery].

If we could grasp, take hold and capture our depth of significance in our God, dramatic shifts in our thoughts, words and actions would take place. The creation of man and you is not to be looked at moderately, with restraint or with minor importance. You and I were created with the upmost thought and care. We were created with hands of a loving Father, the passion of Jesus and the strength of the Spirit.

In 2013 I had to learn to take the creation of me seriously. Because He created me I am supremely significant to Him.

You are also supremely significant to God. Let that soak in a minute and try to grasp a glimpse of your magnificence.

So now what? Why did He make us in His image? He could have made us like any other animal or another sort of angelic being but He didn’t. He made us above the angels and the question is why?

There are a few related answers but I will focus on one. Jeremiah 29:11 (NAS) says: “For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” I’m sure you’ve read or heard this before but let’s really study this to get a better understanding of why we were created.

Due to the difficulties in translating the bible from Hebrew to English, some of the words have lost a greater meaning in out text. Let’s start with the word “plans” as the Strong’s concordance defines it. Def: a contrivance or to plan with cleverness or ingenuity; cunning and curious work; purpose or for which something exists.

After reading this text with a better understanding of the word plans, this is what I am hearing. The plan for our life will include cleverness and ingenuity. It is a cunning and curious work and this is the purpose for which we exist. This matches up with Ephesians 2:10 (Amp) which states: “For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].”

Adam and Eve were to rule the earth but the enemy attacked and took the power from them. We were created to do the good work of taking back all that was lost. The call is to be clever, cunning and inventive in our work to reconcile God and man.

What you just read was completely contrary to how I was raised and what religion taught me. Therefore most of my Christian life was spent walking in circles looking for a career and not my call. I was completely unfulfilled and did not produce much fruit. Once I perceived myself as supremely significant and magnificent in God’s eyes and understood why I was created, I found my call and started making a new path for my life.

Now I must ask are you doing what God created you to do or do you still looking to find the call?

If you still need to find the call, are you ready to make a complete turn around and commit to changing thought patterns and start moving toward the good work you were created to do?

As a writer and life coach I will do what I can to help you and others find the call but I can only coach you. You must be at the point of wanting, needing and craving change. You must be willing to be in it for the long haul and to dig deep inside yourself to make changes for the better.

God made us in His image so we could be outstanding victors in this life. So let’s do this together. I will write more on the subject and you can leave comments if you would like.


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Biography Information:
Since recommitting his life to Christ in 2000, God has changed Andy in such a way, he hardly recognizes himself. Andy is a story of God's grace and mercy.

He now writes and speaks as a voice of inspiration to encourage people to 'find the call' for their life and to fulfill their God given purpose. He writes to help you in your pursuit.
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