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Voice of Inspiration
by Andy Castro
This article is a repeat article. This tradegy took place on December 14,2012. Let's remember to pray for someone else today. I at times get so caught up in my own issue's and I don't think of others much. Sad but true. Lets change that today. Lets get out of ourselves and remember the victims of Sandy Hook. I gaurantee you they are still dealing with this at some level. The pain of loss elevates during the holidays so let's lift them up in prayer.
Tragedy struck Newtown, Connecticut just two days ago. I'm sure most of you know the story of the 26 people murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Mostly children were shot and killed by a gunman. Many called out for the nation and the world to pray for all involved. Mostly for those whose children or loved one's were killed. I'm praying for those just as you are.
This story has struck a chord deep inside of me. In 1987, my first son, Joseph, died a sudden death. Though I have dealt with his death, this story brought up a lot of unwanted memories of pain, heartache and despair. I bring this up with much reservation, not wanting to turn the story on to me. But I wish to convey a message to you that will help you look deeper into the future of the families of the deceased children. The emotional aspects of thier grief may go through many stages, levels and phases. One moment the parent may be feeling almost back to normal and the next moment feel deep levels of anguish and pain. These swings in emotion may last months or years. All will deal with different level of loss, guilt, anger and despair. All these emotions are a normal part of grieving but if not dealt with properly, could lead to long term depression. I could talk more on the subject but I brought it to your attention for good reason. After about two weeks after my son died, I fell apart. The shock of his death had worn off and the reality of it all stabbed me in the heart. Life was not the same. My son was dead and I couldn't think of a good reason to stay alive. I am calling you to join me in praying for these mom's and dads, who lost their children on this tragic day at Sandy Hook Elementary School, two weeks from now and beyond. I've posted it on my calendar for the 28th. I hope you join me in praying for their peace. Pray that the Lord makes Himself known to these parents in a real way and in the deepest way of His salvation. Will you join me?
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He now writes and speaks as a voice of inspiration to encourage people to 'find the call' for their life and to fulfill their God given purpose. He writes to help you in your pursuit.
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