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Weekly Wisdom Winnows

    by Lisa Mendenhall

Burning Bush or Icicle Tree
Date Posted: November 23, 2008

Lately I have been thinking a lot about where I am suppose to be, why am I here, what is my job for God, things like that. As I was meditating on these things, the Lord brought back to my remembrance the first time that He ever gave me a hint of what He wanted me to do. I call that my burning-bush experience. I was reading a book about a woman evangelist and a phrase in that book jumped out at me. Now this phrase may mean nothing to you but it did too me. It was along the lines of, 'she wrapped her up in a hug and loved on her.' I heard God say in my heart, "That is what I want you to do. Love on people". Now I remember thinking, That's all?! Just love on people? I was expecting something like 'Go preach the gospel,save the lost, heal the sick, etc..' But just love on people? I remember getting just a little irate with the Lord. That didn't seem like anything big to me. But it is the strongest the Lord had ever talked to me up to that time and I knew it was Him. So I hid it in my heart and didn't tell anyone. That was probably 20 years ago or so.

Then I started thinking the other day, [you know putting 2 & 2 together?] I can see now , that was about the time I started craving the ability to walk in the supernatural love that Jesus walked in. I remember time after time crying out for God to show me how to walk in this kind of love. I loved the Lord so much, I wanted to be just like Him. And that meant loving the way He loved. I knew that my daddy was a faithful God and He would not tell me to do something I could not attain.

So I started out searching the scriptures with a fine tooth comb. Finding every scripture I could find to help me walk in love the way Christ did. And O'boy did I get tested in that area (and still do by the way!) Over the years I have learned a lot about walking in the God kind of love but you know what I have discovered? I don't know even a drop in the bucket about it. What I have learned couldn't fill a thimble up. God is so vast and so big and He is LOVE.

So what does all this have to do with my burning bush? I think the Lord is leading a lot of us back to the basics. Go back to where God first started talking to us about our own personal walk, Is it still your burning bush? Or have circumstances, situations, people, and other hurts and disappointments turned your burning bush into an icicle tree? You know, through the hurts and things that have hardened, your once, "on fire for God heart" and made ice out of it? Have you lost your dream for the Lord? He hasn't! He still has the same dream for you he had, before you fell away or before you cooled down.

I believe with all my heart that our Father God is going to restore all that the devil has stolen and what we ourselves have lost. All the hopes, dreams and visions of your future you have laid down for various reasons, He is wanting you to pick them back up. It is never too late and NEVER, NEVER forget-----He is the God of the impossible. All things are possible with God. With God nothing is impossible. Men may fail, but God never does. And one last thing-God's gifts are never taken away once He gives them. Get up in this coming year, pick up your armor once again, start dreaming God's dreams again and start right where you are. It is never too late to start doing something for God! What is your burning bush?

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Biography Information:
Lisa Mendenhall lives in Smackover, Arkansas with her husband of over 28 years, Chris. She has 4 grown children who also love the Lord, each serving Him in some capacity. As a teacher of the Word, Lisa, believes that she has a responsibility to use her God-given gift to teach those who have a desire to live victorious in Christ how to do so. She believes in order to live victoriously, one must get to know God and His character. His character is love. Therefore, Lisa has a heart-desire to bring people to a greater understanding of God's love. Her teachings explain that when His love is activated IN His children, it will motivate them to give just as His love motivated Him to give 'His only begotten Son', Jesus, to the world. God's wisdom does not always flow with the world's system of wisdom and His Word says, 'my people perish for lack of knowledge'. Lisa states, 'During meditation one day, I heard the word 'winnows'. With great curiosity, I learned it to mean,

'To separate the chaff from (grain) by means of a current of air. To rid of undesirable parts. To separate or get rid of (an undesirable part); eliminate: winnowing out the errors in logic. ...separate grain from chaff...separate the good from the bad...examine closely in order to separate the good from the bad; sift...' ( 'This study gave me direction and focus for my teaching.  God had placed a longing in my heart to teach the body of Christ how to separate from carnal thinking and rid themselves of old ways that hinder their Spiritual growth. I desire to see them live victoriously, by the 'higher ways' of God's wisdom.'
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