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Weekly Wisdom Winnows

    by Lisa Mendenhall

Date Posted: June 3, 2009

Do you know the promises of God that are written in His Word? Seek them out. What has God promised you, personally? Ask Holy Spirit to "bring them to your remembrance". Do you have secret desires hidden in your heart? Talk to Abba-Father; let him know how grateful you are; praise Him for Who He is! Give thanks for His blessings, those you have had, have now, and those to come! Notice this Word: "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." -Psalm 8:2

What a powerful statement that is! The very reason God "ORDAINED PRAISE"...the sound of Praise actually will "silence" the enemies of God! WOW! Throughout the Old Testament and the New, His Word continually remind us of the Power Of Praise. Sometimes to the point that we can begin to take it for granted, especially in 'Word' congregations. 'Praise' can be the highest form of prayer when we press-in and actually fellowship with God, our Abba-Father! Familiar scripture teaches us that "He inhabits (our) praises", "in His presence is fullness of joy" and the "JOY of the LORD is our strength."

Let's look at a passage in Romans about how faith and praise made Abraham strong."No unbelief {or} distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong {and} was empowered by faith as he gave praise {and} glory to God,...."(Ro.4:20-AMP) Abraham wasn't even a born-again man, but his faith was "accounted unto him as righteousness" That considered, we, as born-again beings, born into the family of God-His children-joint-heirs with Jesus who is the first born Son of God among many...shall I go on or do you get my point, yet?

I challenge us to use this 'weapon'-the weapon of praise- TODAY! EVERYDAY! Even if you don't feel like your in a battle, do it just to scare off the enemy! We know he is out there seeking to 'kill, steal and destroy'. So, why not take the OFFENSE? So not to be made to get on the DEFENSE later? Glorify Him and strengthen yourself by spending time with Him NOW! Adjust & Enjoy!-agreenwalt

Again, "Thanks Anita!" Next week I will get to return to my writing!

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Biography Information:
Lisa Mendenhall lives in Smackover, Arkansas with her husband of over 28 years, Chris. She has 4 grown children who also love the Lord, each serving Him in some capacity. As a teacher of the Word, Lisa, believes that she has a responsibility to use her God-given gift to teach those who have a desire to live victorious in Christ how to do so. She believes in order to live victoriously, one must get to know God and His character. His character is love. Therefore, Lisa has a heart-desire to bring people to a greater understanding of God's love. Her teachings explain that when His love is activated IN His children, it will motivate them to give just as His love motivated Him to give 'His only begotten Son', Jesus, to the world. God's wisdom does not always flow with the world's system of wisdom and His Word says, 'my people perish for lack of knowledge'. Lisa states, 'During meditation one day, I heard the word 'winnows'. With great curiosity, I learned it to mean,

'To separate the chaff from (grain) by means of a current of air. To rid of undesirable parts. To separate or get rid of (an undesirable part); eliminate: winnowing out the errors in logic. ...separate grain from chaff...separate the good from the bad...examine closely in order to separate the good from the bad; sift...' ( 'This study gave me direction and focus for my teaching.  God had placed a longing in my heart to teach the body of Christ how to separate from carnal thinking and rid themselves of old ways that hinder their Spiritual growth. I desire to see them live victoriously, by the 'higher ways' of God's wisdom.'