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Weekly Wisdom Winnows

    by Lisa Mendenhall

Trust Issues???
Date Posted: November 16, 2008

Let me ask you a couple of questions. If I was to say to you, "Do you know what trusting the Lord really means?" What would be your answer? Do you really trust Him? What would be the opposite of trust? What would not trusting the Lord cause in you and in your life? What would happen if you did trust the Lord "with all your heart". Before you go any further in reading this article, I am asking you to shut your eyes and just think about the things I just asked. Write down your answers then continue with the article….Did you do it? Good! Now lets go on…

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

The word trust in this verse, in the Hebrew means to be confident, to be secure-without fear (fear being what not trusting the Lord causes in you). So, if I am going to trust (opposite of trust would be insecurity, unbelief, distrust) in the Lord with all my heart, I am going to be confident, secure, and without fear in each area that I choose to give over to Him. So I say, I choose to trust Him in my relationships, health, finances, work, secure and without fear. I choose to trust Him in my love walk. I trust Him to cause everything to come out alright even if others are hurting me, mocking me, treating me ugly or what ever persecution comes my way. Why? Because I trust Him and I trust Him to help me walk in love towards others regardless of what my emotions or feelings try to tell me. I not only trust in Him with all my heart, but I trust Him with every part of my heart. I trust Him to sweep in and heal every ounce of hurt because I am walking in His love and trusting His power, ability and in His desire to help me. Trust is simply faith in Him doing what He said He would. If I believe He will do it then I am excited, expecting and looking forward to seeing Him in action. If I trust Him to heal every hurt, then I will not mind putting my heart out there on the line. Even if someone hurts me deeply, I may not like the hurt, but I will be willing to let them hurt me, knowing (trusting) that God is big enough and smart enough and loves me enough to come and heal the hurts. The problem comes in when I refuse to allow Him to come in and heal me or I want to hold on to what that person did to me.

I also know that if I trust Him, in relationships, I can choose to walk in love, with my husband, children, friends, co-workers and those at church, because He is big enough to put back together what the devil or others tries to tear apart. He is big enough to show me how to fix what is wrong, how to say the right thing at the right time, how not to say something, and how to be sensitive to the needs of others regardless of how they treat me. I can trust Him to help me be Jesus with skin on, not thinking about me all the time but about others and trusting Him to take care of me.

I can trust Him in the area of finances if I choose to do things His way. I can even trust Him to help me when my flesh is rising up and wanting to spend unwisely. He will help me to say no to my flesh and yes to His way of doing things. As I trust Him, He will help me to know what to pay, what not to pay, what to buy etc….Then as I walk out of that into debt free, I trust Him to direct me into more than enough to have for every need and more besides to give to others.

I can trust Him to help me at work, with my co-workers. To have favor with those who may not like me much. He will help me to love those that don't like me, to treat them right, even if they do not treat me right. He will help me as I trust Him to go over and above the call of duty, to be a blessing to them and not a curse. It's called walking in love by faith, or trust and trusting the outcome to Him, the one who is able to change me and others.

I could go on and on, but I wanted you to get the point on what trusting God is really all about. If you are truly trusting Him in any area, then you are expecting what you are trusting Him for to happen and come to pass and that brings the joy of expectancy and the excitement of knowing - The answer is on the way.

I hope that I have not made hash of trying to explain the trust issue, because I really wanted to break it down and put it in everyday circumstances, so that you could see if you are really trusting God and maybe what areas you need to work on in trusting the Lord. Next week, I will be talking about not relying on our own understanding and acknowledging Him. God Bless! Lisa

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Biography Information:
Lisa Mendenhall lives in Smackover, Arkansas with her husband of over 28 years, Chris. She has 4 grown children who also love the Lord, each serving Him in some capacity. As a teacher of the Word, Lisa, believes that she has a responsibility to use her God-given gift to teach those who have a desire to live victorious in Christ how to do so. She believes in order to live victoriously, one must get to know God and His character. His character is love. Therefore, Lisa has a heart-desire to bring people to a greater understanding of God's love. Her teachings explain that when His love is activated IN His children, it will motivate them to give just as His love motivated Him to give 'His only begotten Son', Jesus, to the world. God's wisdom does not always flow with the world's system of wisdom and His Word says, 'my people perish for lack of knowledge'. Lisa states, 'During meditation one day, I heard the word 'winnows'. With great curiosity, I learned it to mean,

'To separate the chaff from (grain) by means of a current of air. To rid of undesirable parts. To separate or get rid of (an undesirable part); eliminate: winnowing out the errors in logic. ...separate grain from chaff...separate the good from the bad...examine closely in order to separate the good from the bad; sift...' ( 'This study gave me direction and focus for my teaching.  God had placed a longing in my heart to teach the body of Christ how to separate from carnal thinking and rid themselves of old ways that hinder their Spiritual growth. I desire to see them live victoriously, by the 'higher ways' of God's wisdom.'
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