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Word from Nairnshire

    by Sandy Shaw

Date Posted: January 18, 2011

The aircraft was just about to be pushed back prior to taxiing, when a young boy threw a tantrum, shouting and screaming and kicking the seat in front.

After a couple of minutes a Marine unfastened his seat belt, arose and walked forward, and bending over, whispered in the little fellow’s ear.

He froze.

Returning to his seat a lady stopped the marine and asked, “Soldier, please can you share with me the magic words you used?”

“Ma’am, I certainly can. I simply said, ‘Do you see these pips on my shoulder? Do you see these bands on my arms? Do you see that row of ribbons? Well, these give me the authority to throw off a plane any one passenger I happen to choose!’”

Authority is an amazing quality and characteristic. Real authority works.

That Roman Centurion, in charge of a hundred soldiers, came to Jesus pleading with Jesus to heal his sick servant. He was a man under authority.

He understood what authority was all about, and he recognised in Jesus Christ that here was a man under authority and with unlimited authority, even recognising that Jesus had authority over sicknesses and diseases.

Jesus heard and answered the soldier’s prayer, and the servant was healed.

To have authority, a man must be under authority.

For a Roman army officer to make such a request demonstrates an amazing degree of humility. For a Gentile to approach the King of the Jews in this way reveals astonishing wisdom.

He would order his detachment, “Quick march!” and they moved.

He believed Jesus Christ could say “Quick march!” to sickness and it would have to go.

Many today have little sense of authority, but miracles begin when a man places himself under the caring authority of Jesus Christ.

Sandy Shaw
Nairn Christian Fellowship

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Biography Information:
Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at
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