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Word from Nairnshire

    by Sandy Shaw

Date Posted: September 8, 2009

Perhaps Peter thought Jesus would no longer have him as a disciple. After all, he had denied knowing Jesus Christ three times at one of the most crucial moments in Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Peter had gone back to the fishing and had become so absorbed with the fishing that he almost forgot all about Jesus.

After they meet and have breakfast, the resurrected Jesus takes Simon Peter aside and asks him three times; Do you love Me? Do you love Me more than you love the boats and nets? Do you love Me more than the others? It is not precisely clear what Jesus is meaning.

Peter reassures Jesus as strongly as any man could.

Three times he had denied knowing Jesus, but now Peter is given the opportunity to confirm his loyalty.

Jesus knew Peter had to get the bad negative bit out of his system. The conversation is brief, but moving and profound.

Peter confesses his sins; not just sin, but three specific sins.

Acknowledgement and repentance is essential, and Jesus is so tender and sensitive, but does not avoid the necessity.

It is not kept a secret, but written openly in God’s Word for everyone to read.

Peter is now commissioned to feed Christ’s lambs and sheep, to which he committed his life, giving them help, direction, guidance and counsel, which is the basic work of a pastor or shepherd.

Simon means a reed; something that easily bends or can be easily shaken, or broken.

After Pentecost, Peter emerges as the rock. He was a solid leader who could be relied upon to preach, speak and teach, giving stability where it was needed.

There are times when the risen Jesus has to take us aside and have a quiet word.

Sandy Shaw
Nairn Christian Fellowship

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Biography Information:
Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at
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