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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Jesus Christ Deals With One Critical Area of Suffering
Date Posted: November 17, 2008

We move on into Luke Chapter 13. Let's remember Dr Luke did not write 'chapter 13' - that was added much later on - by that I mean - Luke wrote these words - but he did not number the chapters. That happened many centuries later.

This is one long section, where Jesus Christ has been giving warnings about hypocrisy - fear - greed - and worry - and then encouraging people to be prepared and ready for His Coming Again. And then, we read about what the actual situation will be like upon the earth - and what the consequences of believing in Jesus might cause - and how people were unable to tell what God was doing. That is always a difficult area.

Jesus would deal with difficult topics when He was teaching, and we must never run away from or hide from challenging passages in Scripture. We need the whole of the Word of God.

In the light of all this, some people tell Jesus about a disaster which had happened in the Temple. A group of Galileans had come down from the north to Jerusalem, and when they were at worship and offering sacrifices, Pilate sent in some soldiers and had them slaughtered. What a dreadful thing to happen in the middle of a time of Worship.

Imagine the headlines in the Jerusalem Post next morning.

This can happen today and does happen today. Only a few years ago this happened at an Evening Service in a Pentecostal Fellowship in Northern Ireland. Do you remember that War Memorial Service in Enniskillen when the bomb went off.

Even at Worship, tragedies can occur. Being at worship does not preserve us from tragedy. Being at Worship does not prevent tragedies from happening.

We are told here that the blood of the sacrificial animals was mixed with the blood of the worshippers. Jesus used this tragic incident to ask a question - "Do you think they were worse sinners than all the others?" Did they deserve to suffer as they did? Because they suffered in this way, were they really bad people - worse than all the others?

Jesus answers His own question - "NO - but unless you repent and turn from your sins - you too will all perish". Tough talk! Jesus gets right to the point.

Jesus is dealing with one aspect of the question of suffering here. Suffering appears so unfair at times and he shadow of suffering falls over all our paths. Sometimes people wonder if the shadow of suffering will ever disappear. Why? Why?

When we suffer, is it because we are worse than others? Jesus answers - "NO".

Jesus then reminds the people of the day when the Tower of Siloam fell and 18 people were killed. Was it the talk of the town? Were these 18 people the worst sinners in Jerusalem? No - No - but unless you repent, you may suffer a similar disaster.

I used this passage when invited to do a very special broadcast on WSHO Radio in New Orleans following the Twin Towers disaster in New York. I have used it at various funerals when there has been an element of tragedy.

Now today, the world regards people who suffer as innocent - but Jesus Christ challenges such thinking. Such people who suffer are no worse and no better than anyone else. This is amazing teaching - so needed just now. Flowers appear at every road death and motor car fatality. Why? At the funerals of personalities and prominent persons the impression is invariably given that they have all gone to heaven. On what evidence?

I have heard more lies spoken at funerals than in any other one setting. Those who are responsible for leading such services need to exercise much caution, and not mislead families and friends. It is better to say nothing than to say what is untrue. In no way can that be comforting.

What is Jesus teaching us here - what is Jesus touching? "You are all sinners and you will all perish, and so you would be wise to repent."

This question always arises when there is a disaster of some nature - aircraft disaster - something gone wrong at sea - a famine - tribal war with such brutality - when some say - Where was your God then?

We tend to be more interested in other people's death than our own.

Jesus is reminding us - Jesus is teaching us - and we have been concentrating on the words of Jesus - 'no-one is innocent’ - each of us is a sinner. Every single person requires to repent - to turn from sin - and be forgiven - through the blood that was shed for us on the Cross.

Jesus is forever offering man the opportunity to repent and be forgiven. Everyone of us will face tragedy sooner or later, and we can escape only in one way - by turning from our sin - from our sinfulness - to Jesus Christ - for His Mercy - His Love - and to receive what only He can offer - forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Father.

Now - notice - that Jesus does not say "believe" - He says - REPENT.

Over the years, there have been far too many people proclaiming - preaching - teaching - that all you need to do is 'believe in Jesus'. That is NOT what Jesus says here.

Remember that when people say to you - O just stick to the words of Jesus! It is always wise to listen to what Jesus has to say - regarding such eternal issues. These are vital issues, and we cannot afford to be wrong in these areas. In verse 3Jesus mentions YOU some 8 times.

Never mind about the tragic deaths of others. Every tragedy should make us think – “Am I ready?”

"'Winging It" from Stan Smith

Where is God When it Hurts?

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at