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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Our God Is Not To Be Trifled With
Date Posted: March 13, 2023

Psalm 99 . The Lord reigns - let the nations tremble. In Psalm 97, it is let the earth be glad - let the distant shores rejoice - but let the nations tremble.

Let the people be aware that our God is not to be trifled with - He is not a dead piece of wood as Isaiah says - He is not some idol - some piece of shaped sculpted silver or gold - Who cannot hear or Who cannot speak - HE IS GOD.

Jesus is Lord - Creation voice proclaims it.

And yet, we can come to Him and talk with Him - and approach His Holy Throne - receive His Goodness and Gifts - Praise and Worship Him - but HE is not to be picked up when we have need of HIM and then laid down when our crisis disappears. HE IS GOD.

Let the nations tremble.

He sits enthroned between the cherubim - between the highest angels - let the earth shake. One day - all the powers of evil will be overthrown, and we can read this in the light of the Cross of Jesus Christ and with that sure and certain knowledge that Jesus is risen and living and alive.

Verse 2 – Great is the Lord in Zion. He is enthroned between the cherubim - and yet, in Zion - in Jerusalem - in the city of the great King HE IS GREAT - HE IS PRESENT. Jesus said - I am with you always - even unto the end of the world.

Our God is exalted over all the nations. O, there is a holiness here - a mighty powerfulness - the highest of places - and a presence everywhere proclaimed in these verses. No other faith even attempts to suggest this type of thing!!

Verse 3 – The theme is developed. Let them praise Your Great and Awesome Name. HE is holy.

Verse 4 – The King is mighty - He loves justice - so let us bring Him justice in all our dealings. You have established equity.

In Jacob - in Israel - you have done what is just and right. Let us not think HE has changed His mind on this one. What You do in Israel is just and right - even when our whole world considers otherwise. Do you see how we need to know our Bibles? Surely there is nothing controversial in the Psalm? We are discovering and unearthing controversial thoughts in every Psalm. This goes against much of the current thinking among the nations.

Verse 5 – Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His footstool. He is holy. There are times when the Psalmist just focuses on God.

Exalt - worship - why? - because holy is He. Holy is He. This is not an area for discussion and debate - but for Worship - for bowing before Him. If no others consider worshipping Him - then let His Chosen People render the most ardent Worship.

Again, this note rings out - He is Holy. And - "at His footstool" - it is a peculiar expression - it speaks of humility and willing subjection – and awesome privilege – to worship at the feet of Almighty God.

This is why we don't just barge in any way we want to - we have to know our place - and keep our proper place - but in that wonderful knowledge that there is freedom and liberty. That follows - that is one of the consequences of coming before His Footstool.

Verse 6 – Moses and Aaron were among His priests. He appoints priests. He chooses people. He raises up people. He lays His Hand upon a life and say - "I want you - I need you - I am choosing you - I will use you - I have a purpose for you, away beyond what you ever thought possible.

Moses saw God in flaming fire - as He received these 10 words - which we call the Ten Commandments. Aaron often watched the sacred fire ascend in The Tabernacle in the wilderness.

Samuel was among those who called upon His Name. That little boy - in that setting – and God spoke to him - and called him - and raised him up to be a prophet - and used him - in the nation and to speak to the nation.

These men called on the Lord - and many others - and HE spoke - He responded - He answered - He replied. Their prayers were NOT in vain. Their praying was not a futile waste of time.

And - they asked big things of God - our God - the only Lord God Almighty. Moses lifted up his hands in times of war - Moses was an intercessor on behalf of the whole nation. Moses was forever having to go and speak to God on behalf of the people - and about the people - and for the salvation of the people.

An Intercessor is a watchman. Jesus says Watch and Pray - be aware and pray - be alert and pray - all that is involved in Intercession.

A priest is one who brings men to God. Aaron waved that censor of prayer - interceding for the people. Samuel said - "As for me - far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you." 1Samuel 12verse 23 .

If a man is mighty in prayer, he will be kept faithful in service.

God spoke from the pillar of cloud. He may choose to speak to you in some unusual manner - never mind - just listen - just obey - just follow. They responded in the way He wanted them to. Yes there were times when they kept His statutes and the decrees which He gave.

That God was willing to speak to man - take time to consider that and give thanks when He speaks to you – when He reveals something directly or through His written Word.

Verse 8 – O Lord our God - You answered them - You were a forgiving God - O we like that part - though You punished their misdeeds.

Yes - our God is a forgiving God - but He stills punish people at times - and that is not a popular teaching either in these present days. When Moses was up the mountain receiving the Commandments from God - the people were making a Golden Calf - and they were punished severely and sorely for it.

Verse 9 – We return to focus upon worship. We are aware of our need to worship - and consider the sheer privilege of worship - how important worship is - and it is a priority in the lives of the people of God. It always has been – and we worship the Living God Who loves us - Who will never let us down - the One Who has reached down and handed to us, Jesus, to be our Saviour - our Lord for ever - our King forever.

We don't require a fenced off mountain - or a Tabernacle - or a Temple - or any special building.

Verse 9 – Exalt means - to lift up - to lit up in Worship and Prayer.

To be numbered amongst His Chosen People is our joy - to be found among His Chosen People is a delight which is open to us - to be united with others in Worship is a miracle.

Exalt the Lord our God - why? For what He is to you - for what He has done for you - for what He has told you. And how? In your affection - in your meditation - in your supplications and prayers - in your conversation - in your profession - in your consecration - in your co-operation - in your expectations - Exalt the Lord Our God.

“Father – loving Father – gracious Father – we give You Praise and Worship – we give You thanks for the various riches and blessings we receive. We thank You for calling us – for choosing us – for using us – for guiding and leading and directing and guarding us. Hear us as we intercede – as we pray for others – remembering those persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. We pray for those who may be struggling in all kinds of ways – and who do not know that they can come to You and call upon You. We pray in Jesus’ Name.” Amen.

"'Christ in You...'" from Dale Krebbs

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at