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'Christ in You...'

    by Dale Krebbs

Date Posted: June 19, 2016

There is one reality none can deny or escape if they live long enough.

Getting older.

When I was growing up, getting old never crossed my mind. In fact, it never occurred to me until many years had come and gone. The reality for me now is the gone.

Last time we showed the futility of life when it is lived just to have a good time without God. Those who refuse to respond to God's offer of eternal life for those who will not surrender their lives, and live His way. They just as well "live it up". At the end they may ask, "is that all there is"? Yes - that is all there is for a life waisted when they could live forever - IF... For many, the "if" part is too much to ask.

There is something about youth that God built into His creation that we call humans. We seem almost blind to anything concerned with getting older until about age 40 or perhaps 50. Then reality begins to set in a little at a time. The phenomenon seems to increase at an increasing rate as time goes by.

Years ago I casually mentioned to a friend, in a complaining tone, that I knew I was beginning to become what was called "old". What a horrible thought! Me?...getting older? Unthinkable. He replied laughingly "that's the whole idea isn't it?..." What could I say. I just laughed. But it was beginning to be more than a laughing matter.

Of course, it should not be the way to look at getting older. This has caused, as the world grows older, to a not-so-subtle resentment of someone who show the obvious signs of aging. Actually, God speaks of getting old an honorable thing...if it is found in the way of righteousness. There was a time when advancing age evidenced by grey hair, was almost automatically respected and deferred to.

God says this is as it should be:

Having gray hair was, and still is in some circles, an honor demanding respect. It evidence experience and wisdom about life and living. It is still that way to a degree, but not as it once was, and still should be.

God looks upon old age and gray hair as an honor like no other. If you have or, when you get gray hair, no need to feel inferior in any way if it is found in the way of the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

"The glory of young men is their strength, and the beauty of old men is their gray head [suggesting wisdom and experience]". - Proverbs 20:29

"Today's Little Lift" from Jim Bullington

Mercy and not Sacrifice (October 5, 2010)

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Biography Information:
Dale Krebbs served as an Elder, preaching, counseling, and conducting Bible studies for over 25 years in Texas, California, and Arizona. He is now retired, lives in Arizona, and continues the study and research of Gods Word.
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